   In the event the City Building Inspector shall find that the activity is violating any of the conditions imposed upon the activity, or if the activity shall have failed to comply with those conditions, then the Inspector may immediately order the permit cancelled, suspended, or revoked and the activity closed forthwith, which shall remain closed until such time as compliance with the conditions has been effected or until the applicant shall have requested and obtained a special meeting of the Board of Appeals and paid the cost thereof and obtained a waiver of the conditions from the Board of Appeals.  Any request for a special meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals shall be accompanied by the payment of the fee for a special meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals.  At that hearing the Board of Appeals may order the permit cancelled, revoked, or suspended until the conditions are complied with or may order the permit reinstated.
   Noncompliance with the terms or conditions of an outdoor recreational permit shall be deemed adequate grounds to deny future applications for permits at the same location.
   (A)   Administrative approvals (rather than Zoning Board of Appeals approvals) may be issued for any person or firm to conduct or to take part in, or for the landowner of any private land to permit upon his or her land, any outdoor recreational event, carnival, circus, sideshow, public game, or ride, whether given with or without charge, if the purpose of the activity is the advertising of or promoting for sale any goods, ware, or merchandise, or for the purpose of promoting a shopping area if the outdoor recreational event meets the following requirements:
      (1)   The event has been approved by the Zoning Board of Appeals on at least 1 prior occasion within the past 5 years.
      (2)   The approved event did not experience issues involving health or safety in any of the prior occasions when the event was held, as indicated by written statements submitted by the applicant from representatives of the City of Burton Police Department and Building Official.
      (3)   Notification has been sent out to the property owners within 300 feet of the proposed property and given 2 weeks to object from the date of mailing.
   (B)   In the event that administrative approval is denied the applicant shall have the right to request a meeting of the Board of Appeals and pay the cost thereof. Any request for a meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals shall be accompanied by the payment of the fee. At that hearing the Board of Appeals may approve the permit with notice to property owners within 300 feet, and publication in the newspaper as would normally be required of such a hearing.
§ 113.08  PENALTIES.
   The violation of the terms of this ordinance shall be punishable by up to 90 days in the county jail, a fine of not more than $500, or both.