(A) Semi-annual fire inspections will be conducted by the City of Burton Fire Inspector to ensure compliance with the International Building Code (IBC) and International Fire Code (IFC) for the purpose of the protection of life and property, business owner shall pay the nonrefundable inspection fee as shall be established, and from time to time be amended by resolution of the Burton City Council.
(B) All CO and CO2 detectors, alarms, and CO2 burners must be visually inspected, calibrated, and tested to determine that the materials, design, fabrication, and installation practices comply with the requirements of this code. Written records of all required inspections, testing, calibration, and maintenance shall be maintained in a log book on the premises containing the 3 most current years of records and be available for review by City of Burton Fire Inspection personnel as described below:
(1) Acceptance testing. Appliances and equipment shall not be placed in operation until after the detectors, notification devices, automatic gas control valves and mechanical exhaust systems have been tested by a qualified service company. Acceptance testing is required to be witnessed by a fire inspector.
(2) Daily inspections. All detectors and alarms shall be visibly inspected daily. These inspections are permitted to be conducted by trained employees.
(3) Monthly inspections. All CO2 burners shall be visibly inspected monthly. These inspections are permitted to be conducted by trained employees.
(4) Semi-annual inspections. Systems shall be visually inspected and gas detectors calibrated in accordance with manufacturer specification semi-annually by a qualified service company.
(5) Annual testing. All detectors, alarms, gas control valves, and mechanical exhaust systems shall be tested annually by a qualified service company.
(6) Alterations and repairs. In the event alterations, repairs, or additions are made, the affected equipment shall receive a new acceptance test.
(Ord. 2017-92, passed 12-18-2017; Ord. 2019-92, passed 1-14-2021)