(A)   Statement of purpose.  The vehicular parking district is intended to permit the establishment of areas to be used for off-street vehicular parking of private cars, so as to service office, commercial, industrial, and institutional land uses.  This district is designed to afford maximum protection to next adjacent residential areas by providing landscaped setbacks, fences, and well-designed parking lot facilities.  It is also intended that this district act as a transitional area between office, commercial, industrial, and institutional uses, and residential areas, thereby permitting private developers as well as public agencies to provide needed off-street parking.
   (B)   Principal permitted uses.  Vehicular parking only, subject to requirements in subsection (C) below, is permitted in the P-1 district.
   (C)   Limitation of the use.  The following regulations shall apply:
      (1)   Parking areas shall be used only for parking of passenger vehicles operated by the management, the employees, customers, and guests of the enterprise doing business in the city;
      (2)   Parking may be with or without charge;
      (3)   No business involving the repair or services to vehicles, trailers, mobile homes, travel trailers, boats, or boat trailers, or sale, display, or storage of same, shall be permitted from or upon property zoned in a P-1 district;
      (4)   No building other than those for shelter of attendants shall be erected upon the premises, except as provided for in subsection (O) below.  There shall not be more than 2 buildings of this type in the area and each building of this type shall not be more than 50 square feet in area nor shall exceed 15 feet in height; and
      (5)   No advertising signs shall be erected on the premises, except that not more than 1 directional sign at each point of ingress or egress may be erected which may also bear the name of the operator of the lot and enterprise it is intended to service.  These signs shall not exceed 6 feet in area; shall not extend more than 10 feet in height above the nearest curb; and shall be entirely upon the parking area.
   (D)   Location.  All P-1 districts shall be contiguous to an office, commercial, or industrial district.  In all cases, lots which are used for parking shall be the adjacent successive lots from the office, commercial, or industrial property.
   (E)   Ingress and egress.  Adequate ingress and egress shall be provided for vehicles to premises used for parking and shall be in accordance with the plan which shall be submitted in triplicate for approval in accordance with subsection (M) below.
   (F)   Surface of the parking area.  The parking area shall be provided with a pavement in accordance with § 157.112(C)(7).
   (G)   Front yard. 
      (1)   Where a P-1 district is contiguous to a residentially zoned district which has a common frontage on the same block with the P-1 district, and wherein residential structures have been erected, there shall be provided a yard space equal to the average setback of homes in the block on the same side of the street.
      (2)   Where the P-1 district is contiguous to a residentially zoned district which has a common frontage in the same block with the P-1 district and wherein residential structures have been erected having a front yard of greater than 20 feet in depth, there shall be provided a yard space equal in depth to the minimum distance of any residential structure so located, or to the minimum distance required by those restrictions, except in cases where residential structures have been erected at the rear lots.  In those cases, the yard space shall not be less than 20 feet in depth or equal to the minimum required by the private restrictions.
      (3)   Where the P-1 district lies across a street and opposite a residentially zoned district wherein the lots front upon that street, there shall be provided a yard space not less than 20 feet in depth and a protective wall as set forth in subsection (I) below.
   (H)   Side yards.
      (1)   Where a P-1 district is contiguous to side lot lines of premises in a residentially zoned district, there shall be provided a side yard not less than 10 feet in width between the side lot lines and the parking area.
      (2)   Where the P-1 district lies across a street and opposite a residentially zoned district where the side lot lines are contiguous to that street, there shall be provided a yard space not less than 10 feet in depth.
   (I)   Protective wall.  Where the P-1 district adjoins or fronts upon residentially zoned or used property, there shall be provided around the parking area between the required yard spaces and the actual parking area a wall in accordance with § 157.087 and § 157.089.
   (J)   Bumper rail.  There shall be provided a bumper rail in accordance with § 157.112(C)(4).
   (K)   Landscaping.  Wherever the wall is required, all land between the wall and the boundaries of the P-1 district shall be kept free from refuse or debris and shall be landscaped.  The landscaped area adjacent to the wall shall be planted with deciduous shrubs, evergreens, or ornamental trees.
      (1)   Fruit trees shall not be used.  Where the arrangement of planting materials will result in exposure of the walls, those walls shall be covered with ivy, spirea border, or similar plant material.  The remainder of the landscaped area which is not planted with the aforementioned stock shall be in well-kept lawn.  All landscaping shall be maintained in a healthy growing condition, neat and orderly in appearance.
      (2)   All planting plans shall be first submitted to the Zoning Administrator for approval as to suitability of planting materials and arrangement thereof in accordance with the provisions of the preceding subsection and requirements of § 157.112(C)(4).
      (3)   Where required landscaping is not sufficiently and properly maintained, the Zoning Administrator may, after 5 days’ notice has been given to the property owner as shown on the latest assessment roll, order whatever steps are necessary to suitably maintain the landscaped area and charge all of the costs plus a fee as set by the City Council, and amended by resolution from time to time to the property owner.
   (L)   Lighting.  Where lighting facilities are provided, they shall be so arranged as to reflect the light away from all residentially zoned properties which are adjacent to the P-1 district and shall be in accordance with § 157.112(C)(7).
   (M)   Approval.  All plans for the development of any P-1 district must first be approved by the Zoning Administrator before construction is started.
   (N)   Modification of requirements.  The Board of Zoning Appeals, upon application by the property owner of the parking area, may modify the yard, wall, and ingress and egress requirements where in unusual circumstances, undue hardship would be suffered or no good purposes would be served in compliance with the requirements of this section.  In all cases where such a protective wall extends to any alley which is a means of ingress or egress to a parking area, it shall be permissible to end the wall not more than 10 feet from the alley line in order to permit a wider means of access to the parking area and better visibility.
   (O)   Parking structures.  Notwithstanding requirements set forth in subsection (C)(4) above and under special conditions, parking structures may be permitted in the P-1 district subject to the following conditions:
      (1)   A site plan shall be submitted for review and approval in accordance with § 157.092 showing the proposed parking structure, ingress and egress points, relationship to adjacent properties and to the building it is planned to serve, and landscaping at a scale sufficient to permit study of all elements of the plan.  Typical elevations of the structure shall also be provided so that the exterior building material and architectural style will be in harmony with the principal building or buildings the parking structure is intended to serve and with the surrounding area; and
      (2)   Specific design standards for the parking structure and appurtenances (e.g., signs) thereto follow:
         (a)   When the parking structure is contiguous to side lot lines of a residentially zoned or used district, there shall be provided a minimum side yard of 15 feet between those side lot lines and the structure;
         (b)   The permitted height of any parking structure shall not exceed 30 feet.  For every 1 foot the parking structure exceeds 10 feet in height, the yard requirements shall be increased by 1 foot beyond the minimum 15-foot requirement in subsection (O)(2)(a) above;
         (c)   When parking is permitted on the roof of a parking structure, an ornamental wall shall be provided around the perimeter of the roof.  This wall shall be of suitable material and in harmony with the architecture of the parking structure and sufficiently opaque as to substantially conceal parked cars;
         (d)   All exterior lighting, especially that which may be provided on the roof, shall be glare- free and so arranged as to reflect away from all residentially zoned or used properties affected by the parking structure.  There shall be no lighting of elevations of a parking structure facing any residentially zoned or used property;
         (e)   Signs shall be in accordance with all related ordinances of the city; and
         (f)   Unless otherwise specified, parking structures shall observe all requirements of subsections (A) through (N) above.