(A) Appropriate size. The size, shape, and orientation of lots shall be appropriate for the location of the subdivision and for the type of development and use contemplated. Residential lots shall be of such a size as to permit a variety of house types, to provide side yards for desirable access, light, air, privacy, and safety from fire hazards, and to provide for setbacks from the street line and allow sufficient space for household purposes.
(B) Access. All lots shall abut by their full frontage on a properly dedicated street. Lots, other than corner lots, shall not be permitted to front onto 2 streets.
(C) Width. The minimum width of any residential lot shall be 70 feet, except that greater widths may be required in Chapter 157 of this code. Where desirable to plat wedge-shaped lots so as to best utilize a parcel of land, the required lot width shall be measured at the front building line and parallel to the front property line; when the front building line is narrower than the front lot line, the lot width shall be measured at the rear building line and be parallel to the rear property line.
(D) Depth. No lot shall be less than 120 feet in depth. The depth of a lot shall not exceed a depth to width ratio of 2.5 to 1.
(E) Corner lots. Corner lots shall be provided an extra 15 feet of width sufficient to permit the maintenance of building setback lines on both the front and side street lines in order to protect similar setbacks on both the front and side street which exist or are planned.
(F) Side lot lines. Side property lines of lots shall generally be perpendicular to straight street lines or radial to curved street lines unless a variation from this rule will give a better lot plan. Property lines on sides and rear of lots should be straight.
(G) Building and setback lines. Building and setback lines shall conform to the requirements of Chapter 157 of this code.
(H) Area. The width and depth of the lots shall be such that minimum lot areas will be in accordance with Chapter 157 of this code.
(I) Industrial or commercial lots. No lot or parcel zoned as industrial or commercial shall be platted that is less than 50 feet in width. The area of the lot or parcel shall be sufficient in size as to provide sufficient area for off-street parking and loading in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 157 of this code.
(K) Back-up lots. Lots shall back into such features as freeways, arterial streets, shopping centers, or industrial properties, except where there is a marginal access street, unless a secondary access is provided. Consideration shall be given to providing additional lot depth for buffering purposes. Lots extending through a block and having frontage on 2 local streets shall be prohibited.
(L) Uninhabitable areas. Lands subject to flooding or otherwise deemed by the Planning Commission to be uninhabitable shall not be platted for residential purposes, or for uses that may in the judgment of the Planning Commission increase the danger to health, life, or property, or increase the flood hazard. Land of this type within a subdivision shall be set aside for other uses, such as parks or other open space.
(M) Future arrangements. Where parcels of land are subdivided into unusually large lots (such as when large lots are required for septic tank operations), the parcels shall be arranged, where feasible, so as to allow for re-subdividing into smaller parcels in a logical fashion.
(N) Sidewalks. Sidewalks shall be required on both sides of the street. Sidewalks shall be sized and surfaced in accordance with § 156.44(B)(8) of this code.