(A) Tentative approval; effect. Tentative approval under this section shall confer upon the proprietor, for a period of 1 year, the rights granted under Subdivision Control Act, § 112.
(B) Submittal. The proprietor shall file 10 copies of the preliminary plat and other data to the City Clerk at least 25 days before a meeting of the Planning Commission. The date of the Planning Commission meeting shall be considered the filing date. Copies shall be distributed by the Clerk as follows:
(1) The City Clerk retains 4 copies;
(2) Two copies of the preliminary plat are sent to the Planning Commission;
(3) Two copies of the preliminary plat are sent to the City Planner; and
(4) Two copies of the preliminary plat are sent to the City Engineer.
(C) Information required. The following information shall be shown on the preliminary plat or submitted with it:
(1) The proposed name of the subdivision by which it will be legally and commonly known. The name shall not duplicate or closely approximate that of any other subdivision recorded in the county;
(2) The legal description of the land to be platted and its area in acres, and the name of the city and county. Boundaries of the subdivision shall be drawn in a heavy solid line and described by metes and bounds;
(3) The names, addresses, and telephone numbers of the proprietor, the planner, designer, engineer, or surveyor who designed the subdivision layout;
(4) The names of abutting subdivisions, layout of streets, indicating street names, right-of-way width, and connections with adjoining platted streets, and locations of alleys, easements, and public walkways, and lot layouts;
(5) A location map or vicinity sketch showing the relationship of the proposed plat to the surrounding area;
(6) The existing land use and existing zoning of the proposed subdivision and the abutting tracts, including abutting owners’ names;
(7) A drawing scale of 100 feet to 1 inch or larger;
(8) Date, cardinal points, and scale;
(9) A map of the entire area scheduled for development, including future street rights-of-way, if the proposed plat is a portion of a larger holding intended for subsequent development;
(10) Ten copies of the proposed protective covenants and deed restrictions, or notification in writing that none are proposed. If common areas are to be reserved for use of the residents of the subdivision, copies of an agreement showing how the area will be maintained shall also be submitted;
(11) The layout, numbers, and dimensions of lots, including building setback lines;
(12) Indication of parcels of land intended to be dedicated or set aside for public use or for the common use of property owners in the subdivision, showing location, width, and purpose. The plat shall show the exact location of all floodplain areas;
(13) The location of any existing and proposed sanitary sewers, water mains, storm drains, and other underground facilities within or adjacent to the proposed subdivision, including the location and dimensions of easements therefor;
(14) Contours at 5-foot intervals, where slope is greater than 10%, and 2-foot intervals where slope is 10% or less. Topography is to be based on U.S.G.S. datum;
(15) (a) A site report, if the proposed subdivision is not to be served by public water and sewer systems, as described in the rules of the State Department of Public Health.
(b) The subdivider shall also furnish 3 copies of the results of tests of soil percolation certified by a registered professional engineer or registered land surveyor, these percolation tests to be sufficient in number to be representative of the entire area embraced in the proposed plat, and a minimum of 3 tests per acre. Whenever, by the construction plans for proposed improvements or otherwise, it is indicated that the grade of any lot will be altered in any substantial degree from its grade existent at the time the preliminary plat is submitted, the percolation tests shall be made at the final grade contemplated upon completion of the improvements or filling or excavation operations; provided, that if a lot is to be filled, percolation tests shall be submitted at both the original grade and the final grade. At the option of the subdivider, if provided in writing, the submission of percolation tests, as to the lots so affected, may be deferred to a date later than submission of the preliminary plat but no later than submission of the final plat.
(16) Preliminary engineering plans for streets, water, sewers, sidewalks, and other required public improvements. The engineering plans shall contain sufficient detail to enable the City Engineer to make preliminary determination as to conformance of the proposed improvements to applicable City and County Road Commission regulations and standards; and
(17) A statement indicating the proposed use to which the subdivision will be put, along with a description of the type of residential buildings and number of dwelling units contemplated or the type of business, so as to reveal the effect of development on traffic, fire hazards, or congestion of population. The proposed uses shall not be in conflict with
Chapter 157
of this code.
(D) Review procedures. The following review procedures shall be utilized:
(1) The City Clerk shall refer the preliminary plat to the City Building Inspector for placement on the agenda of the next regular meeting of the Planning Commission;
(2) The Planning Commission shall review the preliminary plat and the comments of the City Planner and Engineer, and, finding all conditions to have been satisfactorily met, shall recommend tentative approval of the preliminary plat under Subdivision Control Act, § 112(4), before distribution to other approving authorities;
(3) If the preliminary plat does not meet all requirements, the Planning Commission shall notify the proprietor of this fact by letter, giving its reasons and the earliest date for resubmission of the plat and additional information required. The City Council shall receive a report of the findings by the Planning Commission and its recommendation for disapproval;
(4) The Planning Commission shall give its report to the City Council not more than 60 days after submission of the preliminary plat. The 60-day period may be extended if the applicant consents. If no action is taken within 60 days, the preliminary plat shall be deemed to have been approved by the Planning Commission;
(5) The City Council, at its next regular meeting after receiving the recommendation from the Planning Commission, shall review the preliminary plat, and within 90 days of filing shall tentatively approve the preliminary plat or disapprove the plat. The City Council shall record its approval on the plat and return 1 copy to the proprietor or set forth in writing its reasons for rejection and requirements for tentative approval; and
(6) Tentative approval shall not constitute final approval of the preliminary plat.