   (A)   All contractors licensed under this ordinance shall be required to identify all vehicles and all equipment used upon any drain laying job in the city with the name of the contractor, address of the contractor, and telephone number.  This identification shall, if there is sufficient room upon the vehicle or equipment, be in letters 2 inches in height and color contrasting with the surface upon which applied, and easily visible.
   (B)   (1)   All contractors licensed under this ordinance shall be required to completely clean up any job within the city upon the completion thereof, including regrading the same, completely removing all piles of dirt or other debris from the job and from all properties on which the work is done or adjacent thereto, and to clean up any roadway ditches or roadway right-of-way adjacent to the job.  This shall not prohibit proper mounding of the excavated earth directly over the excavation to permit future settling of the loose soil back to level grade, provided that no earth mounds impeding water flow or blocking roadside ditches shall be permitted.
      (2)   Provided, further, that nothing herein contained shall prohibit a homeowner from performing all or any portion of the work himself or herself; and where a licensed drain layer performs a portion of the work, the homeowner may agree with the licensee to do a portion of the work himself or herself, in which event the licensee shall not be required to perform that portion of the work which the homeowner agrees with the contractor to perform himself or herself, this agreement to be in writing.
   Every person, firm, or corporation who is granted a license or renews a license under the terms of this ordinance shall be required to maintain insurance underwritten by a company authorized to do business in this state against liability to the public in the amounts as set by the City Council, and amended by resolution from time to time.  Each contractor licensed under this ordinance shall maintain worker’s compensation insurance covering all employees.  Proof of all required insurance shall accompany each application as certificates of insurance.  This insurance shall be continuous until cancelled or shall expire March 30 of any year.  These policies shall contain therein, or have attached thereto by rider, a provision that the insurer will give notice to the city at least 10 days prior to the cancellation of the policy, in the event the insurer shall elect to cancel same.  Failure to maintain as above provided shall be grounds for revocation of the license issued hereunder.
   All licenses shall be issued for a period of 1 year, or a fraction thereof, and shall expire on the March 30 following the date of issuance thereof.  No license shall be valid unless the amount required hereunder has been paid to the city and the license signed by the City Clerk.
   The City Council may, upon its motion or upon complaint in writing of any person made to it, investigate the actions of any person, firm, or corporation licensed under this ordinance, and shall have the power to suspend or revoke any licenses issued under the provisions of this ordinance, or deny any pending application at any time, where the licensee or applicant is performing or attempting to perform any of the acts mentioned herein:
   (A)   Abandonment without legal excuse of any construction project within the city by the licensee;
   (B)   Failure to account for or to remit any moneys coming into his or her possession which belong to others;
   (C)   Willful departure from or disregard of plans or specifications in any material respect and prejudicial to another, without the consent of the owner or his or her agent;
   (D)   Willful violation of the building laws of the state and of the ordinances of the city;
   (E)   Misrepresentation of a material fact by an applicant in obtaining a license;
   (F)   Making any substantial misrepresentation or making any false promise of a character likely to influence, persuade, or induce;
   (G)   Conviction for a felony in connection with operations as a contractor;
   (H)   The violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance; or
   (I)   Any conduct, whether of the same or of a different character than hereinbefore specified, which constitutes dishonesty or unfair dealings.
   The City Council shall, before suspending or revoking any license and at least 10 days prior to the date set for hearing, notify in writing the holder of that license of any charge made, and shall furnish the licensee with a copy of the complaint and afford the licensee an opportunity to be heard in person or by counsel in reference thereto.  This written notice shall be served by delivery of the same personally to the licensee or by mailing the same by certified mail to the last known business address of the licensee.  If the City Council shall determine that any licensee is guilty of any violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance, the license shall be suspended or revoked for a period of time as shall be determined by the City Council.
   Any unlawful act or violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance upon the part of any employee or any officers or member of a licensed person, firm, or corporation shall not be the cause of suspension, revocation, or denial of a license of a licensed person, firm, or corporation, unless it shall appear to the satisfaction of the City Council that the licensed person or the principal partner or officer of a licensed firm or corporation had guilty knowledge thereof.
   A person, firm, or corporation installing and connecting waste sewers from an existing residence or commercial building owned by that person, firm, or corporation to a public sanitary sewer shall be exempt from the provisions of this ordinance.