The City Council may, upon its motion or upon complaint in writing of any person made to it, investigate the actions of any person, firm, or corporation licensed under this ordinance, and shall have the power to suspend or revoke any licenses issued under the provisions of this ordinance, or deny any pending application at any time, where the licensee or applicant is performing or attempting to perform any of the acts mentioned herein:
   (A)   Abandonment without legal excuse of any construction project within the city by the licensee;
   (B)   Failure to account for or to remit any moneys coming into his or her possession which belong to others;
   (C)   Willful departure from or disregard of plans or specifications in any material respect and prejudicial to another, without the consent of the owner or his or her agent;
   (D)   Willful violation of the building laws of the state and of the ordinances of the city;
   (E)   Misrepresentation of a material fact by an applicant in obtaining a license;
   (F)   Making any substantial misrepresentation or making any false promise of a character likely to influence, persuade, or induce;
   (G)   Conviction for a felony in connection with operations as a contractor;
   (H)   The violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance; or
   (I)   Any conduct, whether of the same or of a different character than hereinbefore specified, which constitutes dishonesty or unfair dealings.