(A)   Sidewalks.
      (1)   Major thoroughfares. A six-foot wide concrete sidewalk located one foot from the property line on the side or sides of the roadway abutting the subdivision shall be provided. Such sidewalks shall be increased to eight feed in width (and may be constructed of asphalt) in order to safely accommodate bicycle traffic, when such additional width is indicated on a plan for the area as adopted or accepted by the Planning Commission or Township Board. In those instances where no good purpose would be served by the provision of sidewalks, the Township Board may waive this requirement.
      (2)   Collector streets. A six-foot concrete sidewalk located one foot from the property line on each side of the roadway shall be provided. Such sidewalks shall be increased to eight feed in width (and may be constructed of asphalt) in order to safely accommodate bicycle traffic, when such additional width is indicated on a plan for the area as adopted or accepted by the Planning Commission or Township Board. In those instances where no good purpose would be served by the provision of sidewalks, the Township may waive this requirement.
      (3)   Minor streets. A five-foot concrete sidewalk located one foot from the property line on each side of the roadway shall be provided. In those instances where no good purpose would be served by the provision of sidewalks, the township may waive this requirement.
      (4)   Marginal access streets. A five-foot concrete sidewalk located one foot from the property line on the private property side of the roadway shall be provided. In those instances where no good purpose would be served by the provision of sidewalks, the Township Board may waive this requirement.
      (5)   Public walkways. The surface of the walkways shall be developed in concrete. Planting pockets shall be provided in public walkways for tree and shrub planting. The planting plan and surface treatment shall meet the approval of the Commission. Fences and/or other improvements may also be required if the Commission and/or Township Board determines they are necessary to protect the adjacent property owners.
   (B)   Street trees. Existing trees near street rights-of-way shall be preserved by the proprietor in so far as possible. Street trees shall be provided at least one per lot in the street right-of-way between the sidewalk and the curb. Street trees shall be deciduous shade trees, not less than eight feet in height at time of planting, and shall be of a species and variety approved by the Planning Commission. Trees which have nuisance characteristics, which are not sufficiently hardy, or which are otherwise unsuited for the street use are prohibited. The following trees are expressly prohibited:
      (1)   Box Elder;
      (2)   Soft Maples (Red, Silver);
      (3)   Elms;
      (4)   Poplars;
      (5)   Willows;
      (6)   Horse Chestnut (nut-bearing);
      (7)   Tree of Heaven;
      (8)   Catalpa.
   (C)   Street signs. Prior to the time of plat approval the proprietor shall pay the St. Clair County Road Commission for the furnishing and erection of road name signs and traffic control signs.
   (D)   Street lighting. Street lights shall be required to be installed by the proprietor at intersections only throughout the subdivision. All street lighting shall conform to the requirements of the township and the public lighting utility providing such lighting.
   (E)   Monuments. Monuments shall be placed at all block corners, angle points, points of curves in streets, and at intermediate points as shal1 be required by the Township Engineer. The monuments shall be of such material, size and length as may be approved by the Township Engineer.
   (F)   Greenbelts. It is desirable for the protection of residential properties to have greenbelts or landscaped screen plantings located between a residential development and adjacent major arterial streets and railroad rights-of-way. Where a subdivider desires to protect his or her development in this respect, a proposed subdivision plat shall show the location of said greenbelts.
(Ord. 98-02, passed 4-20-1998)