Greenbelts, obscuring walls and berms are methods of creating a buffer between more intensive land uses and less intensive residential districts. This section addresses requirements primarily for the RM, O, GB and I Districts. (Several other sections also set forth buffering, screening or landscaping requirements, including, but not limited to: §§ 154.031, 154.032 and 154.034.)
   (A)   Where a development in the RM, O, GB or I District shares a property line with a residential district, or when the location and configuration of an off-street parking area would permit vehicle headlights to shine on a residential district across a street other than a major thoroughfare, an obscuring masonry wall or alternative screening as provided in division (B) below, is required. The wall shall meet construction standards set forth in division (F) below. A detailed drawing of the wall shall be submitted as part of a site plan. The height of the wall (or alternative screening) shall be measured from the surface of the parking area or land on the nonresidential (or lower density residential) side of the wall. Where the required wall heights are variable (e.g., four feet, six inches to six feet), the Planning Commission shall determine the specific height necessary to provide effective screening.
      (1)   In the case of a proposed multiple-family development, no wall is required when adjacent property is also multiple-family or a manufactured housing community. Where a proposed multiple-family development is adjacent to A/R, R-1A, R-1B, R-1C and R-2 Districts, a four-foot-six-inch to six-foot-high wall shall be provided.
      (2)   In the case of an off-street parking area (except one- and two- family developments), a four-foot-six-inch-high wall shall be provided.
      (3)   In the O and GB Districts, a four-foot-six-inch to six-foot-high wall shall be provided.
      (4)   In the I District, a six-foot to eight-foot-high wall shall be provided.
      (5)   In the case of a proposed manufactured housing community see § 154.034(J) for general screening/landscaping requirements. Community or service buildings and RV storage within a manufactured housing community shall provide a six-foot-high obscuring masonry wall when adjacent to a single-family residential district.
   (B)   In lieu of an obscuring masonry wall the Planning Commission may permit an obscuring landscaped earth berm or landscaped greenbelt at least 15 feet in width. An earth berm shall be landscaped and maintained in a clean and growing condition and shall meet the following minimum design standards regarding slope, crest, exterior and interior faces.
      (1)   Continuous earth berms shall be provided with undulating horizontal and vertical tops and sides, the height of which shall be no less than required for a wall in the district. Earth berms may consist of opaque screen plantings within the horizontal berm depressions or masonry walls or a combination of both as long as the minimum required height of the earth berm, plantings, wall or combinations thereof are provided.
      (2)   Berms shall be landscaped earth mounds possessing a maximum slope ratio of three to one (e.g., three feet of horizontal plane for each one foot of vertical height). Side slopes shall be designed and planted to prevent erosion. The berms shall have a nearly flat horizontal area at their crests of at least two feet in width.
      (3)   Berm or earth mounds shall be protected from erosion by sodding or seeding. If slopes are seeded, they shall be protected with straw mulch held in place by jute netting until the seed germinates and a permanent lawn is established. The straw mulch is not required if the seeded slope is protected by a net which is specifically designed to control erosion. The berm area shall be kept perpetually free of weeds, refuse, debris and general clutter and shall be planted with shrubs, trees or lawn and shall be continuously maintained in a healthy growing condition. Failure to maintain the earth berm in accordance with these requirements shall constitute a violation of this chapter.
      (4)   If an earth berm or greenbelt is proposed in lieu of a wall, a detailed drawing of the proposed berm or greenbelt shall be submitted in addition to the site plan.
   (C)   Required walls, earth berm or greenbelt shall be located as near as possible to the lot lines, except where underground utilities interfere and except in instances where this chapter requires conformance with front yard setback lines in abutting residential districts.
   (D)   When vehicles or open air display generally exceed a five-foot height, the wall shall be increased to a height not exceeding ten feet, as determined by the Planning Commission.
   (E)   The walls, earth berm and/or greenbelt shall have no openings for vehicular traffic or other purposes except as otherwise provided below. The buffer, whether by wall, earth berm and/or greenbelt or any combination of these, shall be constructed and/or planted in a manner so as to provide a minimum opacity of 80% in summer and 60% in winter.
   (F)   All masonry walls herein required shall be constructed of face brick or other approved materials as shown in the illustrations accompanying this section. The Planning Commission shall approve only materials that are durable, weather-resistant, rustproof and easily maintained; wood or wood products shall be specifically excluded.
   (G)   Where masonry walls or earth berms are pierced, the openings shall be so spaced as to maintain the overall obscuring character required and shall not have the effect of reducing the minimum height required. In any square yard (three feet by three feet) area of wall or berm, an opening(s) shall not exceed 20%. The arrangement of openings shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission.
   (H)   Upon review of the site plan, the Planning Commission may waive any part or all of the wall, earth berm or greenbelt requirements, if it is determined that the intended screening effect of the wall, earth berm or greenbelt would serve no useful purpose. The Planning Commission may also consider and incorporate the preferences of the residential district property owners whose interests this section is designed to protect if the preferences do not have the effect of increasing its standards.
   (I)   If the Planning Commission should determine that a residential district may be a future nonresidential area, temporary waiver of the requirements of § 154.018, for an initial period not to exceed one year may be granted, provided that escrow money or surety bond in the amount of the estimated cost for erection of the wall or earth berm is filed with the township for a period not to exceed five years. Granting of waivers subsequent to the first waiver may be permitted.
   (J)   It shall be the responsibility of the property owner to maintain in good condition the masonry wall, earth berm, landscaping and/or greenbelt to maintain its original intent and purpose. Buffering landscaping and/or greenbelt vegetation shall be planted to achieve the minimum required obscuring effect within four years.
(Ord. passed 6-28-2006)