(A)   In the event the owner shall fail or refuse to abate the nuisance within the time required in § 96.03, the city may cause the
nuisance to be abated and when the same is done the City Health Officer or his duly authorized representatives shall compile the cost of such work done or improvements made in abating such nuisance and shall charge such costs against the owner of such premises, as provided for in § 96.03.
   (B)   A certified copy of such costs shall also be filed with the County Clerk of Wichita County and when the same his so filed the city shall have a privilege lien upon such lot or parcel of real estate, second only to tax liens and liens for street improvements, to secure the expenditures so made, and 10% interest on the amount from the date of such payment, after the fixing any such lien, as aforesaid, and for any such expenditures, and interest, as herein before set out, suit may be instituted and recovery and foreclosure had in the name of the city in any court of competent jurisdiction, and in any such suit or action, the statement of charges ,so made, as aforesaid, or a certified copy thereof, shall be prima facie proof of the amount expended in any such work or improvements.
(Ord. 432, passed - -86; Am. Ord. 509, passed 7-19-93; Am. Ord. 823, passed 11-19-12) Penalty, see § 96.99