Ord. No.    Date       Volume    Page    Description
1119       12-21-20    8       115    City Farm, for 2 years.
1135-B    12-19-22    8       237    City Farm, for 2 years.
1597       6-5-34       10       312   Bucyrus Airport, to Dec. 31, 1934.
1605       12-4-34    10       338    Reservoir Farm and Disposal Farm, for 1 year.
1608       2-4-35       10       350    Reservoir Farm, for not more than 3 years.
1644       6-2-36       11       30    Bucyrus City Airport, for not more than 1 year.
1684       4-6-37       11       107    Old Blower Works lots, for playground purposes.
1689       5-18-37    11       113    Sewage Disposal Farm, for not more than 3 years.
1694       8-3-37       11       117    Reservoir Farm, for not more than 3 years.
1720       4-28-38    11       170    Bucyrus City Airport, for 1 - 3 years.
1775       1-9-40       11       282    Property at Sewage Disposal Farm, for 1 - 3 years.
1801       12-3-40    11       342    Property at Reservoir Farm, for 3 years.
1885       2-2-43       12       58    Property at Sewage Disposal Farm.
1910       1-18-44    12       95    Property at Reservoir Farm.
1924       3-21-44    12       128    Property at Municipal Airport.
1945       11-21-44    12       168    Property at Municipal Airport.
1978       8-21-45    12       232    Property at Sewage Disposal Farm.
2025       12-17-46    12       327   Property at Sewage Disposal Farm, for 3 years.
2026       12-17-46    12       328    Reservoir Farm, for 3 years.
2233       5-6-52       13       230   Part of Sewage Plant property.
2258       12-16-52    13       273    Property at Reservoir Farm.
2365       2-21-56    13       496    Part of City Airport.
2416       2-19-57    14       90    Lease by City of Pennsylvania R.R. property for 5 years, for parking lot.
2423       3-19-57    14       98    Huber Warco leases City property Outlot 333 for 5 years, for parking.
2528       11-17-59    14       314    Property at City parking lot leased by E.A. Eckert Co., for sign.
2533       12-15-59    14       320    Property of R. B. Pickering, for City parking lot.
2537       1-19-60    14       330    Amends Ord. 2528.
2583      11-1-60    14       427    Property at Sewage Disposal Farm leased for 3 years.
2668       3-20-62    15       95    Property at Reservoir Farm leased for 3 years.
2774       4-21-64    15       322    City Farms for agricultural purposes.
2817       4-20-65    15       425    City Farms for agricultural purposes.
14-67       3-7-67       16       186    Agricultural leases for City owned land.
19-67       3-28-67    16       199    Amends Ord. 14-67.
7-68       2-6-68       16       339    Authorizes Public Service-Safety Director to lease Reservoir Farm for 2 years.
Ord. No.   Date      Volume   Page         Description
Res.5-70    2-17-70    17       166    Second floor of 216 S. Sandusky Ave. for Council chambers.
8-70       3-3-70       17       171   Authorizes lease of Reservoir Farm (15 acres) and Sewage Disposal Farm (38.7 acres) for 2 years.
10-72       2-15-72    17       468    Authorizes lease of Reservoir Farm (38 acres) and Sewage Disposal Farm (37.8 acres) for 2 years.
43-72       9-25-72    18       68    Authorizes removal of property from provisions of fixed base operator's Use Agreement with Heck Flying Service, Inc.; authorizes lease of same property for 20 years with option to renew for 10 years.
49-73       9-18-73    18       277    Authorizes lease of Reservoir Farm for 2 years.
10-74       2-5-74       18       387    Authorizes lease of Reservoir Farm and Sewage Disposal Farm for 4 years.
61-74       9-3-74       18       499    Authorizes lease of 12 acres of Reservoir Farm in west half of Section 32, Twp. 2, Range 17 East for 3 years.
27-75       7-17-75    19       252    Authorizes lease of property of G. Boudinot in Liberty Twp., for animal pound and shelter site for 20 years with option to renew for an additional 10 years.
50-75       10-21-75    19       281    Authorizes removal of property from provisions of fixed base operator's Use Agreement with Heck Flying Service, Inc.; authorizes lease of same property for 20 years with option to renew for 10 years.
83-75       12-16-75    19       359    Authorizes 5-year renewal of Fixed Base Operator's Use Agreement and new 3-year Airport Manager's Agreement with Heck Flying Service, Inc.
24-76       5-18-76    19       443    Authorizes lease of 2.133 acres of Bucyrus Crawford County Airport for 20 years with option to renew for 10 years.
Res.61-76    11-16-76    19       549    Authorizes lease from Oakwood Cemetery Assoc. of premises at 821 Kaler Ave. for use by City Health Dept., for 5 years.
7-78       2-21-78    20       252    Authorizes lease to highest bidder of tillable land of Reservoir Farm (23. 5 acres) and Sewage Disposal Farm (37. 8 acres), for 4 years.
22-78       5-2-78       20       281    Authorizes lease to highest bidder of Outlot 520 known as Shrine Park, for 1 year.
Ord. No.   Date      Volume   Page    Description
28-79      6-19-79   21      15    Authorizes and directs the Mayor and Public Service-Safety Director to advertise for bids for 2 strips of ground abutting Inlot No. 160.
9-80      2-19-80   21      171    Authorizes and directs the Public Service-Safety Director to advertise for bids for leasing a 0.572 acre of the Bucyrus Crawford County Airport for 20 yrs. with option to renew for 10 yrs.
11-80      3-4-80      21      179    Authorizes and directs the Public Service-Safety Director to advertise for bids for leasing 5.75 acres, approximately, being part of Outlot 530 for recreational purposes.
8-86      3-4-86      23      165    Directs lease of approximately 35.5 acres adjoining runways of the Bucyrus-Crawford County Airports, 16.7 acres adjacent to the City Sewage Disposal Plant 5.7 acres of Shrine Park and 44 acres in Liberty Twp. along State Rt. 98 adjoining City Reservoir 4.
46-89      7-5-89      24      317    Directs advertisement for bids to lease .593 acres of the Bucyrus-Crawford County Airport for 20 yrs. with option to renew for 20 yrs.
2-90      2-6-90      24      426    Directs lease of: 35.5 acres adjoining runways of the Bucyrus-Crawford Cty. Airport; 16.7 acres adjacent to the Sewage Disposal Plant; 5.7 acres in Shrine Park; and 44 acres in Liberty Twp. along S.R. 98 east and adjoining City Reservoir 4, for 4-yrs. terms beginning 4-15-90.
Res.242-92   10-8-92   26      66    Directs lease of City-owned premises and building at 501 S. Walnut St. for 5 years beginning 11-1-92.
15-94      2-15-94   26      439    Directs advertisement for bids for lease of 35.5 acres (Bucyrus Twp. - airport runway areas), 16.7 acres (Bucyrus Sewage Disposal Plant area), 5.7 acres (Shrine Park) and 44 acres (Liberty Twp. - S.R. 98).
7-95      2-7-95      27      164    Directs entering into lease of 44 acres in Liberty Twp. along S.R. 98 East adjoining Outhwaite Reservoir (Reservoir #4), from 4-15-95 through 12-31-95, covering 1995 crop growing season reserving right, except during the planting and growing season, to spread sludge thereupon hauled by it from the City Wastewater Treatment Plant.
23-96      4-2-96      27      442   Authorizing termination of lease between City and the Humane Society serving Crawford County and its Municipalities, Inc. and directs lease agreement of 3.22 acre parcel for use as new enlarged animal pound and shelter site.
Ord. No.   Date      Volume   Page    Description
64-96      8-6-96   28   57          Directs entering into least of 0.209 acres of the Bucyrus Crawford County Airport.
80-96      9-3-96   28   89          Authorizing termination of lease between City and Air Explorers Post #117 sponsored by United Commercial Travelers #334, and directing lease agreement with the Air Explorers Post #117 sponsored by Moose Lodge #669 of 0.057 acre parcel to be used for aircraft storage facilities and no manufacturing or manufactured products storage.
14-97      2-18-97   28      208   Directs entering into lease of 44 acres in Liberty Twp. along S.R. 98 East adjoining Outhwaite Reservoir (Reservoir #4) from 4-1-97 through 3-31-98 covering 1997 crop growing season only.
65-97      9-16-97   28      353   Authorizing termination of lease filed between the City and the Humane Society serving Crawford County and its Municipalities, Inc. of 3.22 acre parcel in Liberty Twp. and directs lease of 3.41 acre parcel for use as enlarged animal pound and shelter site (.25 acres needed for new septic system).
99-97      12-16-97   28      476   Directs entering into lease of 44 acres in Liberty Twp. along S.R. 98 East adjoining Outhwaite Reservoir (Reservoir # 4) from April 1, 1998 through March 31, 2001, covering 1998, 1999 and 2000 crop growing seasons.
100-97      12-16-97   28      477   Directs entering into lease of 35.5 acres in Bucyrus Twp. adjoining runways of the Bucyrus Crawford County Airport, from and after 4-15- 98 through 4-14-2001, with all land planted in crops and not land bank, reserving right of City except during the planting and growing season to spread sludge hauled by it from City Sewage Disposal Plant.
2-98      1-6-98      28      500    Directs advertisement for bids for lease of 5.7 acres of tillable land in Shrine Park (formerly the Bucyrus Shrine Gun Club) from 4-1-98 to 3- 31-01 (all land planted in crops and not land bank).
50-99      7-6-99      29      419    Directs advertisement for bids to lease 0.213 acres of Bucyrus Crawford County Airport for 20 yrs., with option to renew for 10 yrs.
Res.229-2000   7-11-00   30       206   Directs modification of lease with Dr. H. Riles, Jr. to permit the Richland Trust Co. to become additional party to lease agreement (mortgage executed/loan secured to build hangar on leased Airport acres).
Ord. No.   Date      Volume   Page    Description
3-2001      2-6-01      30      362    Directs bid advertisement for lease of 35.5 acres of tillable land adjoining runways of Bucyrus-Crawford County Airport from 4-15-01 through 4-14-04.
4-2001      2-6-01      30      364   Directs bid advertisement for lease of 44 acres of tillable land in Liberty Twp. along S.R. 98 East adjoining Outhwaite Reservoir (Reservoir #4) from 4-1-01 through 3-31-04.
5-2001      2-6-01      30      365    Directs bid advertisement for lease of 5.7 acres of tillable land in “Shrine Park” formerly known as the Bucyrus Shrine Gun Club.
Res.215-2002   4-16-02   31      109    Directs 99-yr. renewal lease with Crawford Park District, 117 E. Mansfield St.
42-2003   10-21-03   31      331   Directs bid advertisement for lease of 44 acres in Liberty Twp. along S.R. 98 East adjoining Outhwaite Reservoir (Res. 4) from 4-1-04 to 3-31-07.
43-2003   10-21-03   31      332   Directs bid advertisement for lease of 7 acres in Liberty Twp. on Kiess Rd. at NE corner of Outhwaite Reservoir from 4-1- 04 to 3-31-07.
44-2003   10-21-03   31      333   Directs bid advertisement for lease of 7 acres at Wastewater Treatment Plant on SW side from 4-1-04 to 3-31-07.
45-2003   10-21-03   31      334   Directs bid advertisement for lease of 5.7 acres in Shrine Park (formerly: Bucyrus Shrine Gun Club) from 4-1-04 to 3-31-07.
46-2003   10-21-03   31      335   Directs bod advertisement for lease of 52 acres at Airport near S.R. 98 and the tracks, north of auxiliary runway from 4-1- 04 to 3-31-07.
47-2003   10-21-03   31      337   Directs bid advertisement for lease of 35.5 acres adjoining runways of Bucyrus- Crawford County Airport from 4-15-04 to 3-31-07.
2-2005      1-18-05   32      132   Directs bid advertisement for lease of 87.5 acres:
                     (1)    35.5 acres in Bucyrus Twp. adjoining runways of Bucyrus Crawford County Airport.
                     (2)    52 acres in City at Airport near S.R. 98 and tracks, N of auxiliary runway.
                     Authorizes lease to run from 4-1-05 to 3- 31-07.
Ord. No.   Date      Volume   Page    Description
50-2006   11-21-06   32      436   Directs bid advertisement for lease of 7 acres on Kiess Rd. at NE corner of Outhwaite Reservoir property, Liberty Twp.; from 4-1-07 to 3-31-10.
51-2006   11-21-06   32      437   Directs bid advertisement for lease of 52 acres at Port Bucyrus - Crawford County Airport near S.R. 98 and the tracks, N of auxiliary runway; from 4-1-07 to 3-31-10.
52-2006   11-21-06   32      439   Directs bid advertisement for lease of 35.5 acres in Bucyrus Twp. adjoining runways of Port Bucyrus - Crawford County Airport; from 4-1-07 to 3-31-10.
53-2006   11-21-06   32      441   Directs bid advertisement for lease of 5.7 acres in Bucyrus Twp.; part of “Shrine Park” formerly Bucyrus Shrine Gun Club; from 4-1-07 to 3-31-10.
54-2006   11-21-06   32      442    Directs bid advertisement for lease of 7 acres at Wastewater Treatment Plant (SW side of property); from 4-1-07 to 3-31-10.
55-2006   11-21-06   32      443   Directs bid advertisement for lease of 44 acres on S.R. 98 East adjoining Outhwaite Reservoir (Reservoir #4), Liberty Twp.; from 4- 1-07 to 3-31-10.
56-2006   11-21-06   32      444   Directs executed lease with Community Improvement Corp. of Crawford County and Hord Livestock Co. of 0.637 acres at Bucyrus- Crawford County Airport for 20 yrs. w/renewal option of 10 yrs.
2-2007      1-2-07      32      466    Amends Ord. 56-2006; provides option to renew lease for 4 additional 20-yr. terms.
Res.245-2007    11-20-07   33       114   Directs 3-yr. lease with Central Joint Ambulance District, of North End Fire Station.
Res.236-2008   11-18-08   33       284   Sanctioning the current lessee’s assignment of its remaining leasehold interest in said parcel to Flying Pig Express, LLC, in compliance with paragraph 10 of a certain airport lease entered into by the City on the 21st day of November, 1989.
Ord. No.   Date      Volume   Page    Description
50-2009   12-15-09   33      459    Directs bid advertisement for approx. 5.7 acres in Bucyrus Township comprising a part of “Shrine Park”; from 4-1-10 to 3-31-13.
51-2009   12-15-09   33      460    Directs bid advertisement for approx. 7 acres at the Wastewater Treatment Plant; from 4-1-10 to 3-31-13.
52-2009   12-15-09   33      461    Directs bid advertisement for approx. 7 acres in Liberty Township on Keiss Rd. at NE corner of Outhwaite Reservoir; from 4-1-10 to 3-31-13.
53-2009   12-15-09   33      462    Directs bid advertisement for approx. 35.5 acres in Bucyrus Township adjoining runways of the Port Bucyrus-Crawford County Airport; from 4-1-10 to 3-31-13.
54-2009   12-29-09   33      469    Directs bid advertisement for approx. 44 acres in Liberty Township along State Route 98 E adjoining Outhwaite Reservoir (Reservoir #4); from 4-1-10 through 3-31-13.
55-2009   12-15-09   33      464    Directs bid advertisement for approx. 52 acres adjoining Port Bucyrus- Crawford County Airport adjacent to State Route 98 and the tracks north of the auxiliary runway; from 4-1-10 to 3-31-13.
Res.231-2010   10-19-10   34       67   Authorizing a three year lease, commencing on December 1, 2010, with the Central Joint Ambulance District of the North End Fire Station, at the rate of $1,500 per month.
43-2012   12-18-12   34      393   Authorizing the leasing of 5.7 acres of tillable land along Krauter Road in Bucyrus Township comprising a part of “Shrine Park” from April 1, 2013 through March 31, 2016.
44-2012   12-18-12   34      394   Authorizing the leasing of 7 acres of tillable land off of W. Southern Ave. located at the Wastewater Treatment Plant on the southwest side of the property from April 1, 2013 through March 31, 2016.
45-2012   12-18-12   34      395   Authorizing the leasing of 7 acres of tillable land on Kiess Road located at the northeast corner of the Outhwaite Reservoir property from April 1, 2013 through March 31, 2016.
46-2012   12-18-12   34      396   Authorizing the lease of 16.68 acres of tillable land on Beechgrove Road near the Outhwaite Reservoir from April 1, 2013 through March 31, 2014.
47-2012   12-18-12   34      397   Authorizing the lease of 27.38 acres of tillable land along State Route 98 East adjoining the Outhwaite Reservoir from April 1, 2013 through March 31, 2016.
48-2012   12-18-12   34      398   Authorizing the lease of 35.5 acres of tillable land adjoining runways of the Port Bucyrus-Crawford County Airport from April 1, 2013 through March 31, 2016.
49-2012   12-18-12   34      400   Authorizing the lease of 52 acres of tillable land located at the Port Bucyrus-Crawford County Airport adjacent to State Route 98 and the tracks, north of the auxiliary runway from April 1, 2013 through March 31, 2016.
226-2013   11-19-13             Accepting the grant of land located at Woodlawn Avenue from the Ohio Regional Development Corporation (ORDC) and agreeing to the ORDC restrictions on the use and sale of the land.