Ord. No. Date Volume Page Description
382 1-5-09 5 76 For extension of Highland Ave.
386 2-16-09 5 82 Sale of Inlot 1246.
919 3-20-17 7 285 Land along Highland Ave., deeded to L. P. and S. Michaelis.
1165 3-24-22 8 197 Sale of Inlots 4232 to 4235.
1262 12-15-25 8 399 Sale of Inlots 4232 to 4235.
1480 1-6-31 10 73 Deed of Outlot 16, for hospital.
1492 5-19-31 10 100 From Metzger, tract for landing field.
1498 7-21-31 10 112 Amends Ord. 1492.
1585 2-6-34 10 288 From C.W. Heiskell, 18 acres, for Bucyrus Airport.
1666 1-19-37 11 83 Sale of parts of Inlots 1272 and 1249.
1714 4-5-38 11 158 Inlots 1731 to 1738 and 1728.
1794 8-20-40 11 317 Sale of part of Inlot 182.
1842 12-2-41 11 401 7.56 acres of land adjacent to Aumiller Park, for park.
1846 1-6-42 11 409 Five tracts, parts of Inlots 91 and 177, for alley.
1903 9-7-43 12 85 Part of Warren St. at Riddell plant.
1919 3-7-44 12 112 Quit claim deed of City to N.Y.C. R.R. for Bucyrus shop property.
1927 4-19-44 12 132 Sale of Outlot 402.
1935 8-1-44 12 150 Inlots 2324, 2325, 2326 from Riddell Corp.
1965 3-21-45 12 211 Outlot 333 from W. L. Yeomans.
1971 6-28-45 12 233 Inlot 1165 from E. Teynor.
1973 6-28-45 12 225 Inlot 1510 from A. Zahary.
2005 7-2-46 12 292 Sale of part of Outlot 383.
2006 7-2-46 12 293 S.W. part of Inlot 177.
2089 7-20-48 12 456 Sale of part of Outlot 382.
2157 5-16-50 13 91 Inlots 2324, 2325, 2326 and 1728 sold by City.
2340 6-21-55 13 451 Alley between Beal Ave. and Superior St.
2383 6-28-56 14 27 Sale of property in Liberty and Whetstone Twps., for widening Ohio Rt. 96.
2461 2-18-58 14 172 Purchase of part of Outlot 390.
2676 6-5-62 15 111 Sale of City Hospital property.
2678 6-20-62 15 113 Sale of part of Inlot 216, old City Hall.
2679 6-19-62 15 114 Purchase of parts of Inlots 4579 and 3738.
2706 1-1-63 15 170 Purchase of part of Inlot 62, for parking lot.
2707 1-1-63 15 171 Purchase of parts of Inlots 144, 145 and 588, for parking lots.
2804 12-16-64 15 390 Purchase of land as site to erect City Hall.
2829 7-6-65 15 453 Purchase of land for parking lot.
2843 11-16-65 15 495 Purchase of land for extension of Municipal Airport runway.
2845 12-21-65 15 503 Sale of part of Sec. 11, Twp. 3.
Ord. No. Date Volume Page Description
20-66 6-20-66 16 53 Purchase of 9.44 acres from Unger family.
Res.54-67 12-19-67 16 309 Authorizes Mayor to purchase option on 48.65 acre tract to be used as a depository for lime waste created by the City Water Dept. purification processes.
19-68 4-16-68 16 374 Authorizes sale of .16 acres being parcel 100-WD located south of U. S. 30N right-of-way.
Res.28-68 5-7-68 16 382 Authorizes purchase of options to secure land for City Administration Building.
43-68 8-23-68 16 433 Authorizes Mayor to purchase Inlots 420, 780 and 781 for City Hall site.
Res.51-68 9-3-68 16 442 Authorizes Mayor to purchase 48.65 acre tract to be used as a depository for lime waste created by the City Water Dept. purification processes.
49-69 9-2-69 17 92 Authorizes sale of parcel 100A-WD, consisting of .15 acres, located south of U. S. 30N right-of-way.
68-69 12-16-69 17 137 Amends Ord. 49-69; authorizes sale of parcel 100A-WD, consisting of .15 acres, located south of U. S. 30N right-of-way.
31-70 9-24-70 17 222 Authorizes sale of former Swan Rubber Co. Plant Complex containing 1.835 acres.
42-70 12-16-70 17 260 Amends Ord. 31-70 re sale of former Swan Rubber Co. Plant Complex.
26-72 5-16-72 18 4 Authorizes purchase from H.E. Saffell of Inlot 782 and 2 ft. strip off north side of Inlot 783 for additional parking for City Hall Community Room.
47-72 10-17-72 18 76 Condemnation of many parcels for East Mary Street Extension Project.
8-73 9-18-73 18 275 Authorizes purchase from A.J. and L. L. Pfeifer of Inlot 783 except a 2 ft. wide strip off entire north side; right to use 8 ft. driveway between Inlots 782 and 783.
21-73 3-20-73 18 178 Authorizes purchase from H.M. Pickard, Administratix of estate of C. L. King, of Inlot 275 for construction of municipal parking lot.
39-73 8-15-73 18 253 Authorizes acceptance of right of way for Beal Ave. in exchange for release from future assess ments.
40-73 8-14-73 18 254 Authorizes sale of north ends of Outlots 67, 70 and 71.
Ord. No. Date Volume Page Description
16-74 3-19-74 18 409 Authorizes purchase from Jae and Rae, Inc. of Inlots 3960, 3961, 3996, 3997, 4032 and 4033, and from J.A. Cameron, of Inlot 3925, for construction of a stormwater retention pond for northeast storm sewer system.
17-74 3-19-74 18 411 Authorizes purchase from Cities Service Oil Co. of Outlot 13 for construction of north end fire station.
39-75 7-1-75 19 245 Authorizes purchase from Board of Commissioners of sanitary sewer line east of City and extending east to Timken Co. plant.
25-74 4-16-74 18 428 Authorizes purchase from O.W. and M. Shackelford of Inlot 784 for improved access from east to City Hall Complex.
60-74 9-3-74 18 498 Authorizes purchase from Bucyrus Shrine Gun Club, Inc. of 9.249 acres in Southwest Quarter, Section 11, Twp. 3, S. Range 16 East.
31-75 5-6-75 19 215 Condemnation of many parcels for North Poplar Street Extension Project.
33-76 7-6-76 19 469 Authorizes purchase from M.A. Deare, executor of estate of Jacob Goerlach, of south part of Inlot 163 and east half of north part of Inlot 204 for construction of municipal parking lot.
46-76 10-5-76 19 505 Negotiations with H. E. and A. E. Teynor to transfer 0.504 acre parcel, part of Outlot 234, in exchange for forfeiture of sewer tap-in fees to Teynor apartment houses.
46-78 9-5-78 20 340 Authorizes purchase from M.J. Morgan, et al, of Inlot 421 to provide facilities for City Health Dep., etc.
18-84 8-8-84 22 397 Accepts warranty deed from J. S. and A.B. Michael and B. J. Ruhl, for portion of Outlot 260.
Res.243-84 11-6-84 22 475 Authorizes purchase of Inlot 137 from M. T. Campbell and B. A. Campbell, for use by Bucyrus Public Library Board.
30-86 9-2-86 23 233 Directs sale of part of Outlot 524 (30 acres), reserving and excepting a sewer line easement through the land.
Ord. No. Date Volume Page Description
Res.233-86 12-17-86 23 298 Directs purchase of part (2.057 acres) of Outlot 402 from Robert and Vera L. Hallman for a storm drainage detention pond.
Res.234-86 12-16-86 23 299 Directs purchase of a 6-acre tract (part of Outlot 473) as part of site for a storm drainage detention pond near Lakewood Meadows Subdivision.
Res.209-92 3-3-92 25 418 Directs purchase agreement with R.C. and J.L. Heil for 3 acres in right of way of proposed easterly extension of Beal Ave.
Res.227-93 6-1-93 27 246 Directs purchase of Inlot 125, 330 N. Lane St. from O. and L. Lawhun.
Res.232-95 6-6-95 27 234 Directs warrant to Bd. of Education for its conveyance by quitclaim deed of former Lane Street Athletic Field property (a part of Outlot 14, 438 acres) for addition to the City’s park and recreation land holdings.
Res.253-95 9-20-95 27 314 Directs purchase of former Crawford County Highway Garage facility property at 1175 Isaac Beal Road (part of Outlot 375).
Res.201-97 1-7-97 28 181 Directs purchase contract for property at 421 S. Walnut St. adjacent to property currently owned by City and formerly known as B & T Auto Parts.
Res.216-98 4-7-98 29 58 Directs purchase agreement with Crawford County Development Bd. for 12.9 acre pond at Crossroads Industrial Park (Outlot 588).
10-99 2-2-99 29 292 Directs appropriation of fee simple interest in several land parcels for extension of Beal Ave.; see Table B.
73-99 10-5-99 29 470 Directs accepting title to Inlot 1723 from B.E. Voltolini, trustee; incorporates Inlot 1723 into Harmon City Park.
Ord. No. Date Volume Page Description
Res.256-2001 11-20-01 31 44 Directs bid advertisement and quit-claim deed for sale of 1.502 acres beginning on SE r-o-w line of Marion- Bucyrus Rd. (S.R. 40) at its intersection with NE line of Inlot 4994.
Res.224-2002 6-18-02 31 136 Directs contract for sale to State of Highway Parcel No. 006-WL (2.6025 acres) for improvement of S.R. 30, Sec. 15.865 (9.86) in Crawford Cty.
Res.226-2002 8-20-02 31 149 Directs sales agreement for purchase of 53.20 acres near Bucyrus -Crawford County Airport from D.E. Widman.
Res.228-2005 10-18-05 32 252 Directing the Mayor to convey Inlot No. 137 to the Bucyrus Public Library Board in exchange for the agreement of the Board to extend to the City, the first option of purchase on any parcel of land the Board may subsequently acquire between Walnut and Swigart Streets.
Res.234-200810-21-08 33 268 Authorized the purchase of up to twenty-one homes located in the City damaged in the August 2007 flood as part of the DR 1720.03-OH Standard Mitigation.
Res.239-200812-16-08 33 314 Authorizing the Mayor to enter into a contract with the Bucyrus Public Library Board to convey Inlot No. 139 in such City, “as is”, to the Board in exchange for the agreement of the Library Board to extend to the City the first option of re-purchase of the aforementioned Inlot No. 139, if such parcel should ever cease to be used for library purposes.
Res.203-2009 2-17-09 33 335 Directs option agreement with Norfolk Southern Railway Co. for sale of .46 acres (City-owned) in E. Rensselaer St., Wiley St. and railroad areas; directs conveyance of property by quit claim deed.
Ord. No. Date Volume Page Description
Res.204-2009 2-17-09 33 335 Directs entering contract(s) to purchase 4 properties to complete Hill Street-Redmen Way Project.
Res.218-2009 6-2-09 33 372 Amends and supplements Res. 204-2009.
Res.208-2010 4-6-10 34 010 Directs purchase of 1.9134 acres, more or less (the former Crawford Elementary School) located at 1009 Woodlawn Avenue (the southwest corner of Woodlawn Avenue and Highland Avenue) from John D. Wiparina, Dominic J. Wiparina and Melissa A. Wiparina.
Res.224-2010 8-17-10 34 050 Enters into a contract for the sale of .145 acre, to be used for green space only, in Outlot #59 and part of Outlot #58 situated in the City and authorizing the Public Service-Safety Director to execute and deliver a quit- claim deed therefor to the highest and best bidder with the aforementioned restriction.
Res.239-2010 12-7-10 34 86 Directs purchase of Inlot #5612 situated in the City for a total cost of $6,600, from Raymond E. Graves, said property to be used for extending a water line from Michigan Dr. to Beal Ave. to make a water line loop.
Res.211-2011 5-17-11 34 152 Directs City to advertise for bids and enter contract for sale of P.P.N. 08-00-50047- 000, the Plymouth Street Fire Station; directs executing and delivering quit-claim deed to highest and best bidder.
Res.212-2011 5-17-11 34 153 Directs City to advertise for bids and enter contract for sale of P.P.N. 08-00-50027- 000 and 08-00-50033-000 (the Old Water Garage and Old Street Department Garage); directs executing and delivering quit-claim deed to highest and best bidder.
Res.224-2011 7-19-11 34 196 Amends and supplements Res. 211-2011.
Res.230-2011 9-6-11 34 214 Directs City to advertise for bids and enter contract for sale of 0.128 acres in Inlot 783; directs executing and delivering quit-claim deed to highest and best bidder.
233-2012 12-18-12 34 414 Authorizes the purchase of 12.234 acres near Port Bucyrus Airport from Randall and Heather Hiler.
215-2014 6-17-14 Accepting land donation from Hord Family of 5.534 acres at the Airport.
221-2018 4-17-18 Authorizing the purchase of property located at 1517 E. Mansfield Street.
236-2018 9-18-18 Authorizes the transfer of 317 S. East Street, Inlot 080017651000, by Quitclaim Deed to the Crawford County Land Reutilization Corporation.
242-2018 11-6-18 The transfer of certain real property owned by the Crawford County Land Reutilization Corporation, and described as 112 Wiley Street, by Quitclaim Deed from the Crawford County Land Reutilization Corporation.
216-2019 5-21-19 Accepting 1.306 acres of land, donated by Richard and Helen Michalek, situated in the City at 901 Nevada Road.
207-2020 3-17-20 The transfer of certain real property owned by the City of Bucyrus, described as 220 N. Sandusky Ave. (City Parking Lot #2), Inlot 080014795000, by quitclaim deed to the Bucyrus Community Improvement Corporation.
218-2020 5-5-20 Authorizes acquisition of the unplatted land parcel 08-00-00000-000UN, located adjacent to the Sandusky River, near the intersection of Spring Street and Mary Street.
228-2020 9-15-20 Authorizes the transfer of certain real property owned by the Crawford County Land Reutilization Corporation, and described as address 303 West Galen Street, Inlot 080016701000, from the Crawford County Land Reutilization Corporation.
229-2020 9-15-20 Authorizes the transfer of certain real property owned by the City of Bucyrus, described as 204 W. Mary Street, Inlot 080019037000, by quitclaim deed to the Bucyrus Community Improvement Corporation.
230-2020 9-15-20 Accepting 817 Woodlawn Avenue, parcel #080015296000, donated by Scott Crum.
238-2020 11-3-20 Authorizes the transfer of certain real property owned by the Crawford County Land Reutilization Corporation, and described as address 309/311 Galen Street, Inlot 080016702000, by quitclaim deed from the Crawford County Land Reutilization Corporation.
221-2021 7-20-21 Authorizes the transfer of certain real property owned by the Crawford County Land Reutilization Corporation, and described as address 333 Water Street, Parcel Number 080014454000, by Quitclaim Deed from the Crawford County Land Reutilization Corporation.