(a)   The following items, meeting the requirements of the OEPA NPDES Construction General Permit, shall be submitted to the City Engineering and Zoning Department for review and approval prior to issuance of a stormwater management permit:
      (1)    A stormwater management plan including appropriate erosion and sediment control BMPs and requiring the control of waste at construction sites that may cause adverse impacts to water quality. Such waste includes, but is not limited to, discarded building materials, concrete truck washouts, chemicals, litter, and sanitary waste.
      (2)    Descriptions of the post-construction stormwater management facilities that will be installed during construction for the site and the rationale for their selection. The rationale shall address the anticipated impacts on the channel and floodplain morphology, hydrology, and water quality.
      (3)    Post-construction operation and maintenance (O&M) manuals for postconstruction BMPs.
   (b)   The following additional items shall also be submitted to the City Engineering and Zoning Department for review and approval prior to issuance of a stormwater management permit:
      (1)   Stormwater permit and applicable review fee.
      (2)   Construction Plans (Two (2) compete sets of conceptual plans showing general project layout, including existing and proposed drainage systems (plan sheets must be at least eleven (11) inches by seventeen (17) inches)).
      (3)   Contact information for designated third party erosion and sediment control inspector to conduct inspections per Section 1333.13.
      (4)   Post-Construction maintenance and access agreement.
         (Ord. 24-2022. Passed 6-21-22.)