Permanent signs shall be subject to the following requirements:
   (a)   Wall Signs. Wall signs shall be permitted in the NB, GB, DB, Gl, LIC, and SU Districts and may be erected on any building wall or extension of a building wall which faces a street, parking lot or service drive. Such sign may not extend beyond any building setback line. Wall signs shall be attached parallel to the building face and extend outward perpendicular from the building face a maximum of twelve (12) inches. The area of wall signs shall not exceed 33% of the surface area of the building wall or architectural elevation of the structure and no wall sign shall exceed 500 square feet in area.
      (Ord. 27-2015. Passed 7-7-15.)
   (b)   Canopy and/or Awning Signs. Canopy signs shall be permitted in the DB, NB, GB, GI, LIC, and SU Districts and may be painted on an awning area or attached to a canopy or roof which projects beyond the building provided that no part of such sign may extend above the roof line, canopy or marquee. Canopy or marquee signs shall be a minimum of nine (9) feet above ground level. In the Downtown Business District, canopy signs shall not extend more than 50 percent of the area from the face of the building to the curb, and shall not be supported by poles set into the right of way.
   (c)   Projecting Signs. Projecting signs shall be permitted in the DB, NB, GB and LIC Districts provided such signs do not exceed twenty (20) square feet in size, are placed not less than nine (9) feet above the sidewalk or ground level, and project not more than six (6) feet outward from the building face.
      (Ord. 51-2019. Passed 10-1-19.)
   (d)   Freestanding Signs. Freestanding signs shall be permitted in the GB, GI, LIC, DB and SU Districts. Freestanding signs shall not exceed ten (10) feet in the DB District and twenty-five (25) feet in height in other districts. No portion of any freestanding sign shall be erected over the street right-of-way. The area of a freestanding sign shall not exceed twenty-five (25) feet in the DB District, seventy- five (75) feet in the GB and GI Districts, and fifty (50) feet in other Districts.
      (Ord. 7-2002. Passed 3-19-02.)
   (e)   Shopping Center Signs. Shopping centers or similar sites with multiple businesses shall be permitted one (1) freestanding sign not more than 600 square feet in area, displaying the identification of the establishments on the site. In addition, each business within such complex shall be permitted one (1) wall sign, as well as window signs and one temporary sign not exceeding 20 square feet.
      (Ord. 27-2015. Passed 7-7-15.)
   (f)   Off-Premises Signs. Off-premises signs as defined in Section 1191.02(b)(8) shall be considered as a conditional use in the GB and LIC Districts, The location of such sign(s) shall be approved by the Board of Zoning Appeals. Not more than one (1) off- premises sign with a sign face area not exceeding twenty (20) square feet is permitted on a single lot. Off-premises signs shall conform to all applicable height restrictions for structures in the zoning district where they are located.
   (g)   Highway Signs. Highway signs, as defined in Section 1191.02(b)(6), shall be considered as a conditional use in all non-residential zoning districts. Such signs shall be limited to a maximum height of 135 feet, and the area of each sign face shall not exceed 300 square feet.
      The placement of any proposed highway sign shall be approved by the Board of Zoning Appeals. In making such determination, the Board shall consider, at a minimum, the following factors:
      (1)   The proposed sign does not impair vehicular or pedestrian traffic nor interfere with ingress or egress including sight distance to the property or adjacent property.
      (2)   The proposed sign does not encroach on any public right-of-way, public or private utility pole, wire, or obstruct or conceal any traffic control device.
      (3)   The adverse impacts of any such sign location on adjacent property have been documented and addressed by the applicant. (Ord. 7-2002. Passed 3-19-02.)
   (h)   General Requirements.
      (1)   Illumination. Illuminated signs shall be permitted only in the NB, GB, DB, GI, LIC, and SU Districts. Illumination shall be from a concealed or indirect light source and shall not flash, blink, fluctuate in intensity, travel, move or in any manner fail to provide constant illumination, and shall not create a hazard or visibility problem or interfere with or impair vehicular traffic. The level of illumination emitted from a sign shall not be of an intensity to constitute a safety hazard to vehicular movement on any street. Illuminated signs shall be constructed and maintained so that the source of illumination is shielded or otherwise prevented from beaming directly onto adjacent properties or streets. This section shall not prohibit the use of electronic changeable copy signs. (Ord. 27-2015. Passed 7-7-15.)
      (2)   Construction. All signs and parts thereof, including any electrical wiring, shall be erected, constructed, and maintained so as to not constitute a safety hazard. The construction and installation of all signs shall be subject to inspection by the City and/or the State of Ohio.
         (Ord. 7-2002. Passed 3-19-02.)
      (3)   Location. No part of any sign shall be placed in, over, or extend onto any public right-of-way, except in the Downtown Business District for permanent wall, canopy/awning and projecting signs as set forth in Section 1191.02 and 1191.08 of this Code. (Ord. 51-2019. Passed 10-1-19.)
      (4)   Permanent Subdivision Identification Signs. Such signs shall be limited to wall mounted or freestanding signs only, with placement on walls, columns or similar architectural or landscaped entrance features used to denote the entrance to the subdivision. Such sign shall be not more than five (5) feet in height and shall set back at least twenty (20) feet from the right-of-way of both streets.
      (5)   Signs in SU District. Signs in the SU District shall reflect the standards for similar uses in other districts. The applicant shall submit a total signage plan for the proposed development as part of the Development Plan.