In addition to specific requirements contained in each district regulation, the location of off-street parking facilities shall further be regulated according to the following provisions:
   (a)   Off-street parking spaces required for dwelling units shall be located on the same lot as the dwelling unit served. Required guest parking in a multi-family development shall be equally distributed throughout the development.
   (b)   Off-street parking spaces required for nonresidential uses shall be located within 700 feet of the use measured along lines of public access to the property. When spaces are to be provided on an adjacent or nearby site, a written agreement shall be made between the applicant and the property owner(s) of such adjacent or nearby site prior to approval.
   (c)   All required off-street parking spaces shall have direct access to an aisle or driveway without the need to move any other vehicle.
      (Ord. 62-2023. Passed 1-16-24.)