(a) Individuals hired after the effective date of this subsection shall be, at the time of their appointment and during their tenure, a resident of Medina County or any County adjacent to Medina County.
(b) All appointments in the Division shall be for a probationary period of one year of continuous service, and no appointment shall be deemed final until the appointee has satisfactorily served his probationary period. Any person between the ages of eighteen and forty may receive an original appointment in the Division from an eligibility list or lateral transfer list. Any person between the ages of forty and forty-five may receive a transfer from another Ohio public entity from the lateral transfer list (original appointment fulfilled in other Ohio Public entity).
(c) The Fire Chief shall make a written report to the City Manager/Safety Director at the end of such probationary period concerning the manner in which the appointee has performed his duties. Upon the furnishing of a satisfactory report to the Director, such probationary member shall be deemed permanent fire medic within the Division.
(Ord. 84-2020. Passed 11-23-20.)