a.   Organization
   There shall be a Civil Service Commission composed of three (3) qualified members not holding any other incompatible public or private office, to serve for a term of three (3) years.
b.   Powers and Duties
   1.   The Civil Service Commission shall prescribe, amend, and enforce rules for:
      A.   The classification of positions in the Civil Service
      B.   Removals, transfers, layoffs, suspensions, reductions and reinstatements; and
      C.   Standardizing positions and maintaining efficiency.
   The City Charter, City ordinances or rules promulgated by the Civil Service Commission shall govern Civil Service employees in the classified service over which the Civil Service Commission has jurisdiction. Where the City Charter, City ordinances or rules of the Civil Service Commission are silent, the provisions of the Ohio Revised Code shall govern.
   2.   The Civil Service Commission will ensure that the following provisions are enacted even if they are in conflict with the Ohio statutes:
      A.   Establish the nature of all promotional exams.
      B.   For position of Police Officer in the Division of Police, and Fire Medic in the Division of Fire and Rescue the Commission shall certify to the appointing authority from the Civil Service eligibility list, the names and addresses of the ten (10) highest candidates from that list from which the appointing authority may choose any person for original appointment to such position.
      C.   For appointments to the positions of Chief of Police or Chief of Fire and Rescue, the Commission shall certify to the appointing authority the names and addresses of the three (3) highest candidates from a promotional Civil Service eligibility list from which the appointing authority may choose any person from that list to such position.
      D.   All veterans who show proof of honorable discharge and pass a civil service entrance exam (other than a police officer entrance exam) shall be granted an additional credit of 5% of their passing score.
         (Amended 11-8-05; 11-3-15)