The Ohio Fire Code adopted in Section 1602.01 is hereby amended to read as follows:
   Article 4 (1301:7-7-04) FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS
Section F-400.2 Installations:
   a.   Before any fire alarm, detection or fire suppression system is installed, enlarged or extended, a permit shall be secured from the building official. Plans and specifications shall be reviewed by the fire official prior to the issuance of the building permit.
   b.   All multi-family dwellings and/or dwellings of mixed occupancy which include multi-family and which have more than three floors, constructed after the effective date of this amendment shall be provided with an approved automatic sprinkler system in accordance with NFPA Pamphlet 13 entitled "Sprinkler Systems, Maintenance," 1971 edition. Buildings with one, two, or three floors shall have an approved UL smoke detector system installed, with a minimum requirement of one detector per unit.
   c.   All existing multi-family dwellings and/or dwellings of mixed occupancy which include multi-family, shall install UL or FM approved smoke detector systems, with a minimum requirement of one detector per each single individual living unit of multi-family dwellings and/or dwellings of mixed occupancy which include multi-families. Existing buildings shall comply within one year after written notification.
   d.   All multi-family dwellings and/or dwellings of mixed occupancy which include multi-family and which have less than four floors, constructed after the effective date of this amendment, shall install a UL or FM approved smoke detector system, with a minimum requirement of one detector per single individual living unit of multi-family dwellings and/or dwellings of mixed occupancy, which include multi-family. (A.O.)
   e.   All one, two and three family dwellings constructed after the effective date of this subsection, shall have installed a minimum of one smoke detector alarm, on each level, including basements. Smoke detectors shall be placed in central hallways that lead to the dwelling bedrooms on any level containing bedrooms. All smoke detector alarms must be UL or FM approved. Enforcement of this subsection shall be by the Division of Permits and Inspections until such time as there is a full-time Fire Inspector. Whoever violates or fails to comply with any of the provisions of this subsection shall be fined not more than fifty dollars ($50.00). A separate offense shall be deemed committed each day during or on which a violation or noncompliance occurs or continues.
(Ord. 74-91. Passed 5-29-91.)
   Section F-405.2.1 Flow test:
All water suppression systems shall be tested at the test pipe to determine that an adequate design pressure and flow are available. Dry pipe systems must deliver water to the inspector's test pipe in not less than sixty seconds, starting at the normal operating air pressure. Systems must be tested and inspected at a five-year interval, beginning in 1985, by an individual who has been certified by the Board of Building Standards as an automatic sprinkler system designer. A copy of the report must be filed with the City Division of Permits and Inspections.
   Section F-408.10 Maintenance and Inspections:
All nozzles, fusible links and cylinders shall be readily accessible for cleaning, replacement, inspection and service. The person in charge of such cooking operations shall see that the extinguishing systems are inspected at least every six months and whenever such systems are activated or found inoperative, by a certified installer and witnessed annually by a building official or fire safety inspector. A copy of the report must be filed with the City Division of Permits and Inspection. A fee of ten dollars ($10. 00) plus one dollar ($1. 00) per nozzle will apply for this inspection requirement. Regular service contracts with the manufacturer or his or her authorized installing or maintenance company are recommended. All actuation components, including remote manual pull stations, mechanical or electrical devices, detectors, actuators, etc., shall be checked for proper operation during inspections. All fusible links and fusible link sprinkler heads shall be replaced annually. Manual stations shall be sealed and safety pinned or latched. An inspection tag shall be located at the manual pull station indicating the date of the last inspection and the signature of the person or the name of the company who or which performed the work.
   Article 5 (1301:7-7-05) MEANS OF EGRESS
   Section F-504.4 Lighting:
   a.   Stairways, hallways and other means of egress, including exterior open spaces to or through which an exitway leads, shall be kept adequately lighted at all times that the building served thereby is occupied.
   b.   Each room, hall or auditorium having a capacity of fifty persons, each place of business or assembly open to the public after sunset and each apartment house shall be provided with lights which meet the provisions of this article and which are so located and supplied with electrical energy as to provide, during any electrical power failure, emergency illumination without appreciable delay. Such installations shall consist of any one of the following:
      (1)   An emergency lighting system which is so designed as to automatically provide the illumination required by this section in the event of a failure of normal power due to any fault in the system, to any failure of the public utility or other outside electrical power supply or to any manual act, such as accidental opening of a switch controlling normal power facilities, and which system shall be either continuous in operation or capable of repeated automatic operation without manual intervention, and which system may be provided by any method or combination of methods which will produce the desired results;
      (2)   Two or more separate and complete systems with independent current supply, each providing emergency lighting and unless both systems are kept lighted, with means provided to automatically light either system upon the failure of the other; or
      (3)   Any other installation approved as adequate for the purpose of this section in the manner required by this Ohio Fire Code.
   Section F-2803.3 Fuel Oil for Heating Purposes:
Fuel oil tanks for supplying oil burning heating equipment may be located above ground on a temporary basis not to exceed three hundred and fifty gallons for each building served and the location is approved by the fire official. This does not prohibit tanks housed within a structure.
   Section F-2804.1 Location:
Underground tanks for the storage of flammable or combustible liquids shall be located at least ten feet from any wall, foundation or property line. The top of flammable liquid tanks shall be below the lowest floor level of any building within twenty feet of said tanks. Tanks shall not be located in or under any building unless said building and tank installation is constructed in accordance with the building code and the standards listed in Appendix B. A distance of one foot shall be maintained between underground tanks in multiple tank installations. The maximum capacity of any individual tank shall be 10,000 gallons.
   Section F-2804.2 Tank Protection:
Underground flammable or combustible liquid storage tanks shall be set on a firm foundation and surrounded with at least six inches of noncorrosive inert material such as clean sand or washed pea gravel well tamped in place. Tanks and the six inches of protective material, shall be covered with a minimum of two feet of earth, or shall be covered with eighteen inches of earth, on top of which shall be placed a slab or reinforced concrete not less than four inches thick. When underground tanks are, or are likely to be, subjected to vehicular traffic, they shall be protected against damage by at least eighteen inches of earth, over the six inches of protective material, plus six inches of reinforced concrete or eight inches of asphaltic concrete. The reinforced concrete or asphaltic concrete protective cover shall extend at least one foot horizontally beyond the outline of the tank. When tanks are located in an area that may be subjected to flooding, applicable precautions shall be used in accordance with the standards listed in Appendix B.
   Section F-2804.5 Testing:
   (f)   6.   An adequate or approved bottom perimeter vapor system shall be installed with piping extended at all four corners to grade to accommodated testing sniffers. Such installation shall provide a means of guarding against leakage. Tanks for such liquids shall be encircled by a line of open-jointed or perforated drainage tile laid in an approved manner in porous material at a level below the lowest adjoining tank, with inspection wells extending from the drainage tile to the grade level, where directed by the Division of Fire. Such inspection wells shall have tightly fitting, easily removable plugs or caps at the grade level.
   (g)   7.   All existing tanks that are replaced shall conform to this section.
   Section F-3000.1 Scope:
The equipment processes and operation for storage and handling of liquefied petroleum gas shall comply with the applicable requirements of this code and the detail provisions of this rule and in accordance with NFiPA 58, listed in Appendix B and the specifications set forth by the Bureau of Fire Prevention.