   If any outdoor swimming pool is illuminated by flood or other artificial lighting at night, no such lighting shall be used after 11:00 p.m. if such pool is located within 200 feet of any building used for dwelling purposes, with the exception of the dwelling of the owner of the premises on which the pool is located. Such lighting shall be arranged and shaded so as to reflect light only on the pool and its aprons and away from adjoining premises and public streets.
(Ord.122-03. Passed 12-8-03.)
   (a)   Each outdoor swimming pool shall be enclosed by a fence erected around the perimeter or immediate vicinity of that portion of the premises on which it is located or be enclosed by a fence around the top of the pool. Such fence shall be attached to a building on the premises, if desired, or extended so that, in either case, the pool is completely enclosed. The horizontal or vertical members if any, shall not be spaced more than four inches apart and the lowest strand of the fence shall not extend above the ground more than three inches. Such fence shall be of rigid construction and subject to the prior approval of the Development Director/Chief Building Official or his designated representative.
   (b)    Each outdoor swimming pool shall be enclosed by a fence erected adjacent to all sides of the pool, but not less than six feet from any side or rear property line or ten feet from any permanent building on the premises, so that small children can be observed when approaching the same.
   (c)    Such fence shall be not less than four feet in height, which may include the pool, or shall not be more than six feet in height and so constructed that the climbing thereof requires maximum difficulty. Construction of such fence shall be subject to the prior approval of the Chief Building Official or designee or his designated representative.
   (d)    Each fence shall be provided with gates which self-close and self-latch, which are of at least the same height as the remainder thereof, which are so constructed as to prevent access to the pool by small children and which shall be kept securely locked when the pool is not in use by the owner, his family or guests. No person shall fail to provide and maintain the fence and gates required herein.
(Ord.122-03. Passed 12-8-03; Ord. 119-06. Passed 12-8-06; Ord. 5-16. Passed 2-8-16.)
   (a)    Each outdoor swimming pool shall substantially conform to the natural grade of the surrounding land, unless the specific natural grade is such that proper gravity drainage into a storm sewer is not possible. No part of such pool, other than a diving board or similar equipment and the fence required in Section 1472.05, shall be higher than one foot above such grade.
   (b)    No portable swimming pool to be erected above grade shall be subject to the requirements of subsection (a) hereof, but such pool shall be subject to all of the other provisions of this chapter.
(Ord. 122-03. Passed 12-8-03.)