1266.08 SITE PLAN.
   (a)   Review Required. All uses in the I-L Light Industrial District shall be permitted only after review and approval of site plans by the Planning Commission as provided in Chapter 1278. Site plans required by this chapter shall also comply with the provisions of Chapter 1276 Parking and Site Design and Chapter 1282 Landscaping and Screening.
   (b)   Compliance with Performance Standards. In addition to the other information required by Chapter 1278 to be included on site plans, all site plans in the I-L zone shall include information showing compliance with the performance standards in Section 1266.07 . This information shall also include non-proprietary information on production processes, raw materials, by-products, waste products, discharges into the air or the sanitary or storm sewer systems, and the nature and extent of any outdoor storage. The quantity of any hazardous materials employed by the applicant and the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) must be included. The Division of Permits and Inspections may also require that the above information accompany applications for zoning certificates in the I-L zone where a site plan review is not required.
   (c)   Additional Studies. The Commission may determine the necessity of additional studies or expert advice as to the applicant's compliance with the performance standards in Section 1266.07 . The cost of securing such studies or advice shall be borne by the applicant.
   (d)   Planning Commission Modifications - Less Restrictive. The Planning Commission may modify the specific performance standards in Section 1266.07 in individual, unique situations where such standards are clearly inapplicable. The concurring vote of 3 members of the Planning Commission shall be required to modify any of the specific requirements of Section 1266.07 as authorized by this subsection. In modifying such standards, the Commission shall make specific findings as follows:
   (1)   That the objectives of the I-L District, as stated in Section 1266.01, will be met;
   (2)   That the intent of the specific performance standard will be maintained;
   (3)   That near-by residential areas will be reasonably protected; and
   (4)    That the public interest will be served.
   (e)   More Restrictive. The Commission, by a majority vote of the members in attendance, may impose more restrictive requirements where warranted by conditions on the site, on the adjacent street system or on adjacent property.