(a)   Any person may file, in writing, with the Chief of Police, a complaint against a private investigator which alleges that such private investigator committed an act or acts which constitute grounds for suspension or revocation of such private investigator's license pursuant to Section 840.18 of this chapter.   
    (b)   Upon the filing of a complaint against a private investigator, the Chief of Police shall fully investigate the matter alleged in the complaint. If, as a result of such investigation, the Chief of Police determines that facts exist which constitute probable cause for the suspension or revocation of such private investigator's license, he shall forthwith deliver a copy of the complaint to the City Manager/Safety Director.
    (c)   Upon receipt of a complaint filed against a private investigator, the City Manager/Safety Director shall schedule an adjudicatory hearing not earlier than fourteen days, nor later than thirty days after his receipt of such complaint, for the purpose of determining whether such private investigator's license shall be suspended or revoked. The City Manager/Safety Director shall determine the date, time and place of such adjudicatory hearing.
   (d)   The City Manager/Safety Director shall give notice to such private investigator at least fourteen days prior to the date of the adjudicatory hearing. Such notice shall be given by certified mail, return receipt requested, or by personal service, and shall contain the time, date and place of the adjudicatory hearing. Such notice shall also include the charges or other reasons for the adjudicatory hearing and the law or rule directly involved. The notice shall also inform the private investigator that at the hearing, he may appear in person or by his attorney and that he may present his positions, arguments or contentions in writing or orally and that he may present evidence and/or examine witnesses appearing for or against him.
   (e)   The , the Director of Law and the City Manager shall form a Board which shall preside at the adjudicatory hearing and after conducting such hearing, shall determine whether such private investigator's license shall be suspended or revoked. The Board shall have such powers and shall conduct its hearing in the manner prescribed in Ohio R.C. 119.09.
(Ord. 6-77. Passed 3-14-77.)