   51.01   Municipal authority
   51.02   Classification of sewers
   51.03   Real property in adjoining state
   51.04   Sewer pipes on private property; discharge
   51.05   Acquisition on sewer mains, newly annexed area
   51.06   Financing; general obligation bonds
   51.07   Connections from sewers to lot lines
   51.08   Disposing private or industrial waste through municipal sewage plant
   51.20   Minimum distance between sewer connections
   51.21   Connection of plumbing fixtures to public water sewer system
Purchase of Private Sewers
   51.35   Municipal purchase of private sewers
   51.36   Plans, specifications and cost estimate for purchase of sewer
   51.37   Property owner's protest against purchase of private sewer
Sewer Charges
   51.50   Sewer charges or rentals
   51.51   Sewer charges
   51.52   Metering water supply to determine sewer charges
   51.53   Separate fund for sewer charges and rentals
   51.54   Special contracts
   51.55   Revenue bond authority
   51.56   Sewer utility rates and charges for recovery of capital costs
   51.65   Assessment of property for proportionate share of sewer previously constructed
   (A)   The municipality may establish and construct main, trunk, sanitary, storm and service sewers, and septic or sewage treatment plants, drains, and manholes either within its corporate limits or within ten miles of its corporate limits; may appropriate funds and levy taxes to accumulate funds for such purposes; may establish sewer districts as provided by SDCL Title 9; may acquire any sewer, drain, or system of sewerage and drainage already established and constructed; and may acquire land within or without the municipality for a septic or sewage treatment plant or outlet to any main sewer, and may assess the cost thereof with cost of any necessary extension or connection of such main sewer to all the property within the sewer district benefitted as provided by this chapter.
   (B)   The proceeds of any taxes levied for the accumulation of funds under this section shall be placed in a separate fund which may not revert at the end of the fiscal year. The municipality shall establish a maximum amount to be accumulated in the fund. The fund shall be established by a resolution adopted pursuant to SDCL Chapter 9-19.
(SDCL § 9-48-2)