(A) The following list constitutes the official street tree species for the Town.
Genus | Species | Common Name |
Genus | Species | Common Name |
Acer | freemanii | Freeman Maple |
Carya | glabra | Pignut Hickory |
Carya | laciniosa | Shellbark Hickory |
Carya | ovata | Shagbark Hickory |
Gleditsia | triacanthos | Honeylocust |
Quercus | bicolor | Swamp White Oak |
Quercus | macrocarpa | Bur Oak |
Quercus | shumardii | Shumard’s Oak |
Taxodium | distichum | Bald Cypress |
(B) No species other than those included in this list may be planted as street trees without written permission of the Tree Committee.
(Ord. 2015-09, passed 5-28-15)