§ 151.056 STREETS.
   (A)   Widths. Street right-of-way widths must be as shown on the comprehensive plan and where not shown therein, must be not less than as follows:
      (1)   Principal Arterial: variable.
      (2)   "A" or "B" Minor Arterial: 100 feet.
      (3)   Class I Collector: 80 feet.
      (4)   Class II Collector: 70 feet (may be adjusted upwards as necessary at intersection with arterial).
      (5)   Local street: 60 feet.
      (6)   Commercial and/or industrial street: 80 feet.
   (B)   Intersections. Insofar as practical streets must intersect at right angles. The angle formed by the intersection of two streets must be not less than 60 degrees. Intersections having more than four corners are prohibited. Intersections must not be closer than 150 feet as measured from centerline to centerline.
   (C)   Deflections. When connecting street lines deflect from each other at any point by more than ten degrees, they must be connected by a curve with a radius of not less than 100 feet, except in those cases specifically approved by the City Council.
   (D)   Gradients. All center line gradients must be at least 0.5 percent and must not exceed the following:
      (1)   Arterial streets and collector streets: four percent;
      (2)   Subdivision streets and frontage roads: six percent.
   (E)   Vertical curves. Different connecting street gradients must be connected with vertical curves. Minimum length in feet of these curves must be 30 times the algebraic difference in the percent of grade of the two adjacent slopes.
   (F)   Street jogs. Street jogs with center line offsets of less than 150 feet are prohibited as measured from centerline to centerline.
   (G)   Subdivision streets. Subdivision streets must be laid out so that their use by through traffic will be discouraged.
   (H)   Cul-de-sacs. The maximum length of a street terminating in a cul-de-sac must be 600 feet, measured from the center line of the street or origin to the center of the cul-de-sac and must have a radius of 60 feet.
   (I)   Access to collectors or arterials. In the case where a proposed plat is adjacent to a collector arterial street, the applicant is advised not to direct vehicle or pedestrian access from individual lots to such thoroughfares. Where possible, the subdivider must attempt to provide access to all lots via subdivision streets.
   (J)   Platting of small tracts. In the platting of small tracts of land fronting on arterials where there is no convenient access to existing entrances and where access from such plat would be closer than one-quarter mile from an existing access point, every effort must be made in such plats for the connection of roads to neighboring land. As the neighboring land is platted and developed, and access becomes possible at a preferred location, direct access will be prohibited.
   (K)   Half streets. Half streets are prohibited except where it will be practical to require the dedication of the other half when the adjoining property is subdivided, in which case the dedication of a half street may be permitted. The probable length of time elapsing before dedication of the remainder will be considered in this direction.
   (L)   Private streets. Private streets are not permitted and public improvements will not be approved for any private street unless approved by the City Council as part of a conditional use permit for an overall development plan.
   (M)    Hardship to owners of adjoining property. The street arrangements must not be such as to cause hardship of adjoining property in platting their own land and providing convenient access to it.
   (N)   Dedication of streets. Except for private streets as designated in § 151.056, all proposed streets shown on the plat must be offered for dedication as public streets.
   (O)   Medians. Landscaped medians shall be required for Class I and II collector streets and cul-de-sac islands, as determined by the City Council, and constructed in accordance with standards established by the City Engineer.
('72 Code, § 345:46) (Am. Ord. 1984-447, passed 4-9-84; Am. Ord. 1992-705, passed 9-14-92; Am. Ord. 2001-961, passed 11-26-01) Penalty, see § 10.99