(a)   Services and Facilities.
      (1)   The cable television system contemplated herein shall have a channel capacity of thirty- five channels, with a minimum of twenty channels available for immediate use. Said system will be designed from inception to permit a fifty-two channel conversion and any other appropriate future technical developments, consistent with the guidelines set forth in Section 810.01(b).
(Ord. 52-80. Passed 10-7-80.)
      (2)   Such system shall maintain a plant having the technical capacity for non-voice return, or “two-way” communications.
      (3)   The grantee shall maintain the following:
         A.   8 broadcast signals
         B.   17 specialty channels
         C.   1 Government Access Channel
         D.   1 Public Access Channel
         E.   1 Educational Access Channel
         F.   1 Take 2 Channel
         G.   1 Home Box Office Channel
         H.   4 Reserved Channels
         I.   1 Local Origination Channel
      (4)   At least one of the above mentioned channels will be a health/medical channel and another a community college channel.
      (5)   The grantee shall also install a two-way institutional or special services cable, with a capability of five channels. Said institutional or special services cable will provide interconnecting communications between medical, government, and educational institutions.
      (6)   The grantee shall have available equipment for the local production and presentation of cablecast programs other than automated services and shall permit its use for the production and presentation of public access programs.
      (7)   The grantee shall incorporate into its cable television system the capacity which will permit the Village, in times of emergency, to override, by remote control, the audio of all channels simultaneously. The grantee shall designate a channel which will be used for emergency broadcasts of both audio and video. The grantee shall cooperate with the Village in the use and operation of the emergency alert override system.
      (8)   The grantee shall be permitted to interconnect the Brooklyn Heights cable television system with other broadband communications facilities with the Greater Cleveland metropolitan area. Such interconnection shall be accomplished according to the method and technical standards acceptable to the Village, as well as generally accepted industry practices. “Broadband communications facility,” as used herein, means any network of cable, optical, electrical or electronic equipment, including cable television systems, used for the purpose of transmitting telecommunications signals.
      (9)   If such systems are operated by cable television companies other than the grantee, in addition to the above requirements, the costs of such interconnection shall be borne equitably between all cable operators involved.
      (10)   The grantee shall provide such additional services and facilities as are contained in its application, which is hereby incorporated by reference herein.
      (11)   The grantee shall provide free monthly cable television service to all schools and public buildings within the Village.
   (b)   Technical Standards.
      (1)   The grantee shall comply fully with the technical rules and standards for cable television operations as adopted by the Federal Communications Commission, 47 CFR Part 76, Subpart K.
      (2)   The cable system shall be capable of delivering all National Television Systems Committee color and monochrome standard signals (developed and presented to the FCC on July 21, 1953) to standard Electronic Industries Association approved television receivers, without noticeable degradation.
      (3)   The cable system shall meet all performance criteria over the ambient temperature range prevailing in the franchise area from the normal daily minimum temperature in February to the normal daily maximum temperature in August.
(Ord. 16-80. Passed 5-20-80.)