(A)   Pursuant to KRS 227.320, the city hereby adopts and incorporates by reference the Kentucky Standards of Safety, as promulgated under 815 KAR 10:060 by the Commissioner of the Department of Housing, Buildings and Construction on the advice and recommendation of the Kentucky State Fire Marshall. These rules and regulations shall establish a minimum requirement concerning matters covered thereby and shall be so construed in relation to any local rules and regulations. Copies of the code book are available through the Department of Housing, Building and Construction, 101 Sea Hero Road, Suite 100, Frankfort, Kentucky 40601.
   (B)   The City of Ludlow Fire Chief, or the chief of any other fire department under contract with the city for fire emergency services, is designated as the local enforcement agent/agency for the Standards of Safety.
   (C)   In addition to any other sanctions, violations of the Standards of Safety shall be deemed a civil offense. All final decisions of the Fire Chief shall be appealable to the Kenton County Joint Code Enforcement Board pursuant to its rules, procedures and regulations.
(Ord. 2-1-23, passed 3-8-2023)