There is hereby established a Capital Improvement Fund of the City of Bromley, Kentucky. The Capital Improvement Fund shall be used for the purchase of equipment, vehicles, park and playground equipment and machinery, and other long-lasting goods that are not consumed in the normal course of business, and the construction, installation, repair, renovation, or maintenance of public buildings or structures. The Capital Improvement Fund shall not be used to pay salaries of any public officials or employees or to purchase real property. Any expenditure made from the Fund must be based on the written recommendation of the Mayor and approved by City Council in the budget for the Fund. Expenditures from the Capital Improvement Fund shall be made in accordance with the City of Bromley Capital Improvement Plan and Policies attached to Ord. 4-3-22 and incorporated herein by reference.
(Ord. 4-3-22, passed 5-11-2022)