The form and content of the annual business regulatory license required by this chapter and the application for it shall be determined by the City Administrative Officer; provided, however, that the application shall include:
   (A)   Sufficient information for the identification of the persons involved in the franchise, trade, occupation, profession or other business;
   (B)   The computation of the annual occupational license fee imposed by this chapter;
   (C)   Sufficient information and inspection authorization for a determination by the city of compliance by the licensee with all applicable laws;
   (D)   The name in which the business will be conducted; the address of the real estate upon which the business will be conducted, and the mailing address of the business if different from the location; and the business telephone number and the state tax identification numbers of the business;
   (E)   The name, address, date of birth and Social Security number of each owner of the business and each partner, officer or director, if any;
   (F)   The name, residence address and telephone number of a duly authorized representative of the business who is responsible for operating and managing the business in the city, and a night emergency number at which some responsible representative of the business can be reached in case of an emergency;
   (G)   A full description of the business operations to be conducted;
   (H)   The date on which the business began or will begin operations in the city;
   (I)   The accounting period of the business;
   (J)   The number of employees working or expected to be working for the business in the city during the license year;
   (K)   A statement describing the circumstances of each denial, suspension or revocation of any business regulatory license for any person named or identified in the application;
   (L)   A statement describing the circumstances of each conviction of any person named or identified in the application of a felony, misdemeanor for which imprisonment or other confinement was a possible penalty, any other crime in which moral turpitude was involved, or any other crime directly related to a business similar to that which is the subject of the application;
   (M)   A statement as to whether any license, permit, degree, certification or similar document is required by any applicable law for the conduct or employment in the business;
   (N)   A statement as to whether there are hazardous materials kept at the business premises and the location thereof, and whether there are pets, guard dogs or other animals usually kept therein and any other information which the applicant believes would be necessary or helpful to emergency personnel responding to a call to said premises;
   (O)   The gross receipts and hereinafter described property factor, sales factor, and payroll factor of the business for the previous calendar year;
   (P)   Such additional information that the City Administrative Officer determines to be reasonably necessary;
   (Q)   A warning in the following or similar language:
“WARNING: Statements in this application shall be made under oath, by affirmation or any other legally authorized manner of attesting to the truth of such statements, with the signatures notarized, according to law; and any false statements made herein shall be punishable according to law; and may be cause for denial of the application or the revocation of any business regulatory license issued pursuant thereto.”
   (R)   All information from any previous application for an annual business regulatory license required by this ordinance, which continues to be accurate, may be incorporated by reference into subsequent annual applications for the same license by the same applicant.
(1997 Code, § 110.17) (Ord. 12-1-07, passed 12-13-2007)