Everybody who is engaged in any franchise, trade, occupation, profession or other business in the city, other than those who are only so engaged as an employee, shall obtain an annual business regulatory license for that franchise, trade, occupation, profession or other business; and pay to the city a business regulatory license fee in the amount of either $50 or that part of a multi-jurisdictional occupational permit fee, collected by the county and proportionally allocated to the city, pursuant to the provisions of an inter-local agreement between the city and the county and some other cities therein, for a single multi-jurisdictional annual occupational permit fee of $225, which the Mayor is hereby authorized and directed to sign on behalf of the city.
(1997 Code, § 110.15) (Ord. 12-1-07, passed 12-13-2007; Ord. 11-1-08, passed 12-3-2008)