(A)   In arriving at realistic penalties for violations of provisions contained in this chapter, the primary objective has been to establish them as part of the simplest possible enforcement system.
   (B)   The system has three features:
      (1)   A mail-in ticket which:
         (a)   Identifies the violator;
         (b)   Lists and identifies violations of the ordinance provisions by section numbers;
         (c)   States the prescribed fine beside each violation listed;
         (d)   Provides simple instructions on where the ticket is to be mailed with a check or money order in the amount of the stipulated fine; and
         (e)   States a simple procedure to follow if the violator elects to appear in court to plead his case rather than mail in the fine.
      (2)   Use of the above ticket by all department and city personnel authorized to enforce this section.
      (3)   Use for particularly flagrant violations (those nuisances which are dangerous or unhealthful or which are detrimental to the health, safety and welfare of the citizens and visitors of the city). This would be in the form of a direct summons to court, with penalty range substantially above those on the mail-in ticket.
(1997 Code, § 92.98) (Ord. 1988-21, passed 7-11-1988; Ord. 1991-7, passed 6-24-1991; Ord. 6-1-92, passed 7-14-1992)