For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   AUTOMOBILE or MOTOR VEHICLE PARTS. Any portion or parts of any motor-driven vehicle as detached from the vehicle as a whole.
   IMPOUNDMENT PERIOD. The 60 consecutive day period beginning the day the nuisance is removed pursuant to this chapter.
   JUNK APPLIANCES. Any unit, or part thereof, of machinery, furniture, or equipment, whether mechanical or powered by some source of energy or not, which is not functioning efficiently and effectively, is unfit for further use, or is abandoned, as those terms are defined in this section, including, but not limited to stoves, refrigerators, television sets, beds, mattresses, lamps, tools and objects of art. The term JUNK APPLIANCES shall not apply where the unit does not exceed 15 cubic feet or a combination of units in the immediate proximity to each other does not exceed 20 cubic feet.
      (1)   MOTOR VEHICLE IN ANY INOPERATIVE CONDITION. Any style or type of motor-driven vehicle used or useful for the conveyance of persons or property which is unable to move under its own power due to defective or missing parts; or unable to be legally operated on a public highway due to a lack of current state registration or licensure, or a lack of display of a current city sticker.
      (2)   MOTOR VEHICLE UNFIT FOR FURTHER USE. Any style or type of motor-driven vehicle used for the conveyance of persons or property which is in a dangerous condition, has defective or missing parts, or is in such condition as to be unfit for further use as a conveyance.
      (3)   ABANDONED MOTOR VEHICLE. Any motor-driven vehicle which the owner thereof, including any person having a security interest therein, has deserted and left unclaimed on any lot or parcel of ground, public or private, within the corporate limits of the city for a period in excess of seven consecutive days.
   MOTOR VEHICLE JUNKYARD or APPLIANCE JUNKYARD. Any place where one or more junked vehicles or junked appliances as those terms are defined in this section, are deposited, parked or otherwise located pursuant to the legitimate engagement in the business of dealing with junked motor vehicles or appliances, by one who has obtained the requisite license or written permission of the governing body of the city.
(1997 Code, § 92.15) (Ord. 3-1-91, passed 4-6-1991)