(A)   In his or her review of the detailed plan or sketch and the logging permit application required in § 848.03, the City Engineer shall ascertain that the cutting of trees will not cause an improper balance in the environment in the area to be logged; that appropriate buffer areas and natural screening by trees will not be eliminated; that soil erosion or flooding will not be a result of such logging; and that the manner of the removal or logging of such trees will not cause damage in any manner whatsoever to adjacent properties, to city property or to the environment. A reclamation plan is not required unless determined by the City Engineer.
   (B)   In order to accomplish the requirements of division (A) hereof, the City Engineer shall submit the proposed detailed plan or sketch and the application to the United States Department of Agriculture, Soil and Conservation Service, for its review, and shall request from them a report and recommendation as to the potential risks of, and necessary protection against, soil erosion and injury to secondary or future growth on the parcel of land to be logged. Such reports and recommendations received from the Soil and Conservation Service shall be attached to the application once approved by the City Engineer.
   (C)   If a reclamation plan is required, the City Engineer may hire an arborist to formulate a reclamation plan for the area to be logged. The cost of such plan will be charged to the applicant in addition to other charges delineated in this chapter.
(Ord. 40-90, passed 5-7-1990; Ord. 05-15, passed 2-2-2015)