(A)   (1)   Subject to the provisions of § 848.02, the Building Commissioner shall issue a permit for logging of trees from property within the city only after he or she has been presented with an application filled out by the person proposing such logging, along with a detailed plan or sketch indicating the purpose for the removal and the areas to be logged, and only after the same have been approved by the City Engineer and Council.
      (2)   The permit fee shall be $100, nonrefundable to any applicant, in addition to a cash deposit in favor of the city in the amount up to $2,500 as security against any fees or costs incurred by the city for the review by the City Engineer. The required cost will be determined by the City Engineer. In the case where logging is planned for multiple adjacent parcels, if the parcels have the same owner, only one permit fee and cash deposit is required. Such permit shall be valid for a time frame not to exceed 180 days in which logging activities will occur, commencing from the date of approval by the City Engineer and Council. Logging shall be fully performed within such 180-day period.
   (B)   Any cost incurred due to unavailability of the logging operator in the case of an emergency condition where professional outside assistance is required shall be the sole responsibility of the logging operator.
(Ord. 40-90, passed 5-7-1990; Ord. 05-15, passed 2-2-2015)