   (A)   The economy and desirability of the combined treatment of industrial and commercial wastes and sanitary sewage is recognized; however, not all types and quantities of industrial and commercial wastes can be so treated. It shall be the policy to admit the types and quantities of industrial and commercial wastes that are not harmful or damaging to the structures, processes or operation of the sewage works or are not specifically prohibited. In all cases, a special permit will be issued which will state specific conditions and requirements to be maintained. It is also recognized that to provide this service, additional facilities and/or treatment are required, and the cost of such must be borne by the user receiving the benefits.
   (B)   (1)   Approval is required for the admission of industrial or commercial wastes into the public sewers having:
         (a)   A five-day, 20°C BOD greater than 300 mg/l; and
         (b)   A suspended solids content greater than 300 mg/l.
      (2)   The user shall provide chemical analyses of the discharge according to a schedule to be established by the Board and continued discharge shall be subject to approval of the Board.
   (C)   In order to identify the point sources, all users of the sewage works who are now discharging industrial or commercial wastes to the public sewers shall, upon request of the town or its designated agent, fill in and file with the requesting official within 90 days a questionnaire which shall furnish pertinent data inclusive of quantity of flow and an analysis of the water discharged to the regional treatment plant. Further, any person desiring to make a new connection to the wastewater system for the purpose of discharging industrial or commercial wastes to the public sewers shall fill in and file with the designated officials above an industrial and commercial waste questionnaire as outlined for existing users.
   (D)   Sample and analysis shall be a 24-hour composite sample collected so as to be a representative sample of the actual quality of the wastes. Sample for analysis may be collected by the user or his or her representative. Analysis shall be made by a registered sanitary engineer or graduate chemist whose qualifications are acceptable to the town or a Class A, B or C wastewater treatment plant operator registered in the state, using the laboratory methods for the examination of wastewater as set forth in the latest edition of Standard Methods for Examination of Water and Sewage, as published by the American Public Health Association.
   (E)   If it is necessary due to the size or complexity of the waste disposal problem of an establishment, an extension of time may be granted provided it can be shown that it is impractical to meet the schedule imposed in this subchapter. A request for extension must be submitted in writing to the town official identified in division (C) above.
   (F)   When required by the proper town official, any new establishment discharging industrial or commercial wastes into the sewer system shall construct and maintain at his or her expense a suitable control manhole or manholes downstream from any treatment, storage or other approved works to facilitate observation, measurement and sampling of all wastes including all domestic sewage from the establishment. The control manhole or manholes shall be constructed at suitable and satisfactory locations and built in a manner approved by the official identified in division (C) above. The manhole shall be maintained by the establishment so as to be safe and accessible at all times. If any establishment wishes to meter its waste discharge into the sewer system to verify in-product water retention or other uses of metered flow, they may install a flow-metering device as approved by the proper Board official or his or her designated agent. The control manhole shall be accessible to town personnel at all times for sampling. All authorized town employees shall be permitted, upon suitable notice to the user, to enter upon all properties for the purpose of inspection, observation, measurement, sampling and testing in accordance with provisions of this subchapter.
(Ord. 1-84, passed 8-23-1984)
   A special permit will be required for each industrial and commercial establishment which is identified as having other than domestic wastes or waste from sanitary conveniences. The fixed life of a permit is set for one year from date of issue, and a renewed waste discharge permit will have a fixed life of one year. These permits involve the implementation of a formula for surcharges for wastes which exceed the sewage parameters for strength as defined in § 52.31(B).
(Ord. 1-84, passed 8-23-1984)
   (A)   The application for a waste discharge permit shall be of a form specified by the proper town official or his or her designated agent.
   (B)   The application will define all of the pertinent data concerning the acceptance of industrial and commercial waste flows and will provide the basis for the issuing of a permit certificate specifying limitations on what the user may discharge.
   (C)   The initial permit shall be effective for a period of one year only from date of issuance and must be renewed annually.
   (D)   An application for an initial permit shall be accompanied by a check in an amount as established by the town as application fee.
      (1)   Renewal of industrial and commercial waste discharge permit. The application for a renewed waste discharge permit shall be of a form specified by the proper town official or his or her designated agent, and the annual renewal application fee shall be the same as the initial application fee.
      (2)   Industrial and commercial waste discharge permit form. The form of permit for industrial and commercial wastes shall be as specified by the proper Board official or his or her designated agent. Specific provisions for continued acceptance by the town of the waste shall be attached to and made a part of the permit to discharge, prechlorination or additional limitations on waste characteristics not adequately described in this chapter, or may prescribe pretreatment quality requirements for the waste flow in detail.
      (3)   Administration of permits. The administration of the industrial and commercial waste discharge permit program and the application of the surcharge formula imposes additional obligations on the town.
   (E)   The town, in addition to determining the waste flow volumes and analyzing the waste strengths for development of the surcharge, must also keep an accurate record of the permit applications, permits, meter installation details, meter calibrations and must send to each establishment the necessary renewal application forms in sufficient time to permit the establishment to comply with the town’s requirements.
   (F)   The system of record-keeping for industrial and commercial permits shall be substantially as follows.
      (1)   A ledger sheet for each establishment headed as follows:
         (a)   Name of industry/business;
         (b)   Address/location;
         (c)   Type of process;
         (d)   Initial permit application forms sent;
         (e)   Initial permit application forms received;
         (f)   Discharge analysis received;
         (g)   Permit issued, date;
         (h)   Meter details received;
         (i)   Meter details approved;
         (j)   Meter installation approved;
         (k)   Expiration date of initial permit;
         (l)   Date renewal permit application forms sent;
         (m)   Date renewal permit application forms received;
         (n)   Meter certification received;
         (o)   Analysis schedule required (if yes, attach schedule);
         (p)   Renewal permit issued, date;
         (q)   Expiration date of renewal permit; and
         (r)   Repeat divisions (l) through (q) above for future renewals.
      (2)   A ledger sheet for control of all permits as follows:
         (a)   Name of establishment;
         (b)   Initial permit application forms sent;
         (c)   Expiration date of initial permit;
         (d)   Date renewal forms to be sent;
         (e)   Expiration date of renewal permit;
         (f)   Date renewal forms to be sent;
         (g)   Expiration date of renewal permit;
         (h)   Date renewal forms to be sent;
         (i)   Expiration date of renewal permit; and
         (j)   Date renewal forms to be sent.
(Ord. 1-84, passed 8-23-1984)
   (A)   The proper official and other duly authorized employees of the town bearing proper credentials and identification shall be permitted to enter all properties for the purposes of inspection, observation, measurement, sampling and testing in accordance with the provisions of this subchapter. The official or his or her representatives shall have no authority to inquire into any processes including metallurgical, chemical, oil, refining, ceramic, paper or other industries beyond that point having a direct bearing on the kind and source or discharge to the sewers of waterways or facilities for waste treatment.
   (B)   The proper official and other duly authorized employees of the town bearing proper credentials and identification shall be permitted to enter all private properties through which the town holds a duly negotiated easement for the purposes of, but not limited to, inspection, observation, measurement, sampling, repair and maintenance of any portion of the sewage works lying within said easement. All entry and subsequent work, if any, on said easement shall be done in full accordance with the terms of the duly negotiated easement pertaining to the private property involved.
(Ord. 1-84, passed 8-23-1984)
   The regulations of this subchapter shall apply to all users of the sewer facilities within the town.
(Ord. 1-84, passed 8-23-1984)
   (A)   A person found to be violating any provision of this subchapter shall be served by the town with written notice stating the nature of the violation and providing a reasonable time limit for the satisfactory correction thereof. The offender shall, within the period of time stated in such notice, permanently cease all violations.
   (B)   Persons found to be in violation of this subchapter beyond the time period given above will be subject to the penalties in force by the Board. Each day of violation shall constitute a separate offense.
   (C)   Any person violating any of the provisions of this subchapter shall become liable to the town for any expense, loss or damage occasioned the Board by reason of such violation.
(Ord. 1-84, passed 8-23-1984) Penalty, see § 52.99
§ 52.50 PURPOSE.
   This subchapter establishes the rate at which the customers of the sewer system shall be charged. Provisions for surcharge to industrial clients are also provided.
(Ord. 1-84, passed 8-23-1984)