(A)   The owner of a dog found to be a dangerous dog pursuant to this chapter may file a complaint in the Circuit Court, within 35 days of receipt of notification of the determination, for a de novo hearing on the determination. The proceeding shall be conducted as a civil hearing pursuant to the state’s rules of evidence and the code of civil procedure, including the discovery provisions. After hearing evidence from both parties, the Court shall make a determination as to whether the dog is dangerous. The final order of the Circuit Court may be appealed pursuant to the civil appeals provision of the state’s Supreme Court rules.
   (B)   Until the order has been reviewed, and at all times during the appeal process, the owner shall comply with the requirements set forth by the administrator, his or her designated agent, or the animal control officer.
(Prior Code, § 5-5-23) (Ord. 688, passed 3-1-2010) Penalty, see § 94.99