The following standards shall be adhered to.
   (A)   A mobile food vendor unit, whether vehicle or trailer, shall be properly registered and licensed for use.
   (B)   Placement of vending unit shall be on the private property, unless approved as part of the city special event permit on public property, and located at least ten feet from a public sidewalk or 20 feet from the street curb if no sidewalk.
   (C)   Parking or placement of vending unit shall be located on an improved portion of the site and not on any park strip or landscape area.
   (D)   The placement of the vending unit shall be located in a manner as not to obstruct, disrupt or interfere with the vehicle and pedestrian traffic flow into or out of a site and the internal parking lot circulation.
   (E)   Placement of vending unit shall not obstruct the clear view area as described in § 156.353 of this code of ordinances.
   (F)   A vendor shall not operate within 100 feet of the entrance door of a restaurant unless the said restaurant waives the distance requirement for the vendor. The proximity requirement is measured in a straight line from the nearest point of the vending unit to the nearest entrance of the restaurant.
   (G)   Overnight parking is not allowed unless approved as part of a city special event permit. The business activity of a mobile food vendor at any one site is considered temporary in nature.
   (H)   Hours of operation are between 6:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. unless approved as part of a city special event permit.
   (I)   Food and beverages shall only be sold or offered for sale when the vending unit is completely stopped and parked.
   (J)   Vehicles are not allowed to idle.
   (K)   The vending unit shall not operate as a drive through.
   (L)   Vending units shall be maintained, clean, and kept in good operating condition.
   (M)   The vendor shall provide trash and recycling containers for use of their customers. Containers shall be removed from the site when the vendor leaves the site.
   (N)   All signs are limited to those that are physically attached to the vending unit. Except for one menu sign that shall not exceed three feet by four feet and shall be placed on a hard surface no more than ten feet from the vending unit. The menu sign shall not be placed within the public right-of-way.
   (O)   The vending unit shall not cause noise, light or glare which adversely impacts surrounding uses. Flashing, scintillating, blinking or traveling lights are not allowed.
(Prior Code, § 14.09.090) (Ord. 15-18, passed 11-3-2016) Penalty, see § 112.999