It shall be unlawful for any person to consume any alcoholic beverage or to have in his or her possession any alcoholic beverage within any public park, playground or recreational facility, with the exception of:
   (A)   Eagle Mountain Golf Course and in accordance with the established rules and regulations of the Eagle Mountain Golf Course;
   (B)   As permitted under a special event permit at sports venues at Pioneer Park and excluding the swimming pool and playground portions of Pioneer Park;
   (C)   As permitted under a special event permit at Watkins Park; and
   (D)   The Academy Conference Center.
(Prior Code, § 17.03.060) (Ord. 08-04, passed 3-20-2008; Ord. 17-12, passed 8-3-2017; Ord. 18-03, passed 2-15-2018; Ord. 19-03, passed 2-7-2019) Penalty, see § 92.999