The purpose of this subchapter is to regulate the occupancy and use of lands by alternative energy conversion systems for protection of the public health, safety and general welfare, including, but not limited to, that of owners and occupants of adjacent lands in a manner that will facilitate the effective and efficient use of such systems.
(Ord. 960, passed 2-13-2020)
Alternative energy systems utilizing biomass, geothermal, methane, hydropower, solar and/or wind sources shall conform with and adhere to the rules associated with "Net Metering" per Neb. RS 70-2001 to 70-2005 (August 30, 2009, as amended). All costs associated with project conformance to said "Net Metering" rules shall be the responsibility of the property owner seeking to implement the alternative energy conversion system.
(Ord. 960, passed 2-13-2020)
All alternative energy conversion systems sought to be constructed, implemented, or otherwise put into service following the passage of this subchapter shall be considered as conditional uses in all zoning districts within the city and shall be subject to the procedural requirements as set forth by §§ 53.32 and 153.240 through 153.243 of this code.
(Ord. 960, passed 2-13-2020)