All additions, lots, lands, subdivisions, and parcels of ground included within the Official City Map and plat on file at the office of the County Register of Deeds, having been by act or ordinance of the City Council or by law duly annexed to or made a part of this city, or having been by the act, authority, acquiescence, consent, platting, and dedication of their respective owners, created either as the original town site or as additions to the city are hereby declared to be within the corporate limits of the city. Lawfully constituted additions or changes in the city limits shall be indicated upon the maps and plat by the City Engineer after the addition or change has been completed in accordance with the ordinances of this city and the laws of the state.
(Neb. RS 17-405 through 17-426, 17-1,002, and 17-1,003) (1973 Code, § 11-101)