353.01 Entry of motor vehicle with intent to commit petit larceny.
353.02 Unlawful taking of vehicle.
353.03 Unlawfully obtaining possession of rented or leased vehicle.
353.04 Unlawful retention of rented or leased vehicle after notice.
353.05 Injuring or tampering with vehicle.
353.99 Penalty.
Special antitheft laws - see W. Va. Code Art.17A-8
Offenses relating to property - see GEN. OFF. Art. 533
No person shall drive a vehicle, not his own, without consent of the owner thereof, and with intent temporarily to deprive the owner of his possession of such vehicle, without intent to steal the vehicle. The consent of the owner of a vehicle to its taking or driving shall not in any case be presumed or implied because of such owner's consent on a previous occasion to the taking or driving of such vehicle by the same or a different person. Any person who assists in, or is a party or accessory to or an accomplice in any such unauthorized taking or driving, shall be guilty of a violation of this section.
(1976 Code Sec. 18-14)