To effectuate the purposes of West Virginia Code Article 8-24 and City ordinances, the Planning Commission shall have the power and duty to:
   (a)   Exercise general supervision of and make regulations for the administration of the affairs of the Commission.
   (b)   Prescribe uniform rules pertaining to its investigations and hearings.
   (c)   Supervise the fiscal affairs and responsibilities of the Commission.
   (d)   Prescribe the qualifications of, appoint, remove and, subject to the approval of Council as hereinabove provided, fix the compensation of the employees of the Commission.
   (e)   Delegate to employees' authority to perform ministerial acts in all cases except where final action of the Commission is necessary.
   (f)   Keep an accurate and complete record of all departmental proceedings, record and file all bonds and contracts and assume responsibility for the custody and preservation of all papers and documents of the Commission.
   (g)   Make recommendations and an annual report to Council concerning the operation of the Commission and the status of the planning within its jurisdiction.
   (h)   Prepare, publish and distribute reports, ordinances and other material relating to the activities authorized under West Virginia Code Article 8-24 and City ordinances.
   (i)   Adopt a seal and certify to all official acts.
   (j)   Invoke any legal, equitable or special remedy for the enforcement of the provisions of West Virginia Code Article 8-24 or of any ordinance enacted pursuant to the authority of West Virginia Code Article 8-24 or of any action taken by the Commission thereunder.
   (k)   Prepare and submit an annual budget to Council, and the Commission shall be limited in all expenditures to the provisions made therefor by Council.
   (l)   If deemed advisable, establish an advisory committee or committees.
   (m)   Delegate to a committee composed of one or more members of the Commission the power to hold any public hearings or conferences required or permitted under West Virginia Code Article 8-24 to be held by the Commission. If the hearing or conference is held by a committee, a written record of the substance of the hearing or the conference shall be made and preserved with the records of the Commission for not less than five years. The committee shall have authority only to conduct the hearing and report to the Commission.      (1976 Code Sec. 14-28)