(A) No person in or adjacent to a park shall conduct himself or herself by work or by act, in a riotous, disorderly, boisterous or other manner so as to disturb the peace and good order in a park.
(B) No person in or adjacent to a park shall operate or play a radio, television set, musical instrument or amplifying or sound equipment so as to disturb peace and good order in a park.
(C) No person in a park shall solicit or procure participants for, engage in or promote any game which is played for money or other thing of value, except where permission has been obtained in advance in writing from the Administrator.
(D) No person in a park shall use insulting, abusive, threatening, profane or indecent language.
(E) No person in a park shall loiter in the vicinity of a toilet and no person over the age of shall six enter the toilet facilities provided for the exclusive use of the opposite sex.
(F) No person in a park shall willfully resist, obstruct or abuse an officer or Administrator while such officer or Administrator is engaged in the execution of his or her office.
(G) No person in a park shall assault or commit bodily injury upon another or engage in or abet or aid in any fight, quarrel or other disturbance.
(H) No persons or groups of persons shall assemble in or adjacent to a park for any unlawful purpose or in riotous assemblage or with intent to annoy, harass or inflict property damage or bodily injury upon another person or persons or inflict damage to a park.
(I) No person in a park shall solicit or attempt to solicit another to engage in an act of sex perversion or solicit or request another to commit, perform or engage in any lewd, lascivious, obscene or indecent act of behavior.
(J) No person in a park shall appear in a state of nudity or commit, perform or engage in any lewd, lascivious, obscene, illicit, carnal or indecent act of behavior and no persons shall make any indecent exposure of his or her person.
(K) No person in a park shall openly display, sell, offer for sale, or be under the influence of intoxicating, liquors or alcoholic beverages; such beverages may be confiscated by an officer or Administrator.
(L) No person in a park shall sell, offer for sale, possess, receive, use, administer to himself or herself or others, be under the influence of, or possess any equipment for administering any narcotic drug, opiate, hallucinogens, amphetamine or barbiturate except as provided by law. Narcotic drugs, opiates, hallucinogens, amphetamines or barbiturates in a park may be confiscated by an officer or Administrator excepting those as provided for by law.
(M) Smoking, use of tobacco products, and vaping in outdoor recreational facilities prohibited. Smoking, the use of tobacco products, and e-cigarette (vaping) use are prohibited in outdoor recreational facilities in the Village of Brewster.
(1) It shall be unlawful for any person to use any form of tobacco or e-cigarette at or on any village owned or operated outdoor recreational facilities. This includes but is not limited to playgrounds, athletic fields, parks, walking trails, restrooms, and spectator or concession areas.
(2) Any person found to be in violation of this section shall be subject to immediate ejection from the city park or recreational facility.
(3) Tobacco use shall be defined as ingestion of any product containing, made, or derived from tobacco or containing nicotine, whether synthetically produced or derived from any other source that is intended for human consumption.
(4) E-cigarette use shall be defined as the ingestion of nicotine or other substances used in any electronic or battery-powered device/vaporizer that simulates tobacco smoking or vaping by producing an aerosol that resembles smoke, vapor or any component thereof.
(Prior Code, § 150.08) (Ord. 14-1998, passed 3-16-1998; Ord. 53-2018, passed 12-3-2018)
Penalty, see § 92.99