(A)   No person shall bring into, have or keep in a park any dog, cat or other animal unless such animal is kept in a vehicle suitably caged; or restrained by a leash, in such a manner as to be under the person’s control at all times, except where permission has been obtained in advance in writing from the Administrator.
   (B)   No person in a park shall ride or have under his or her control a horse except in areas designated for such purpose.
   (C)   No person in a park shall ride a horse, where such is permitted, in such a manner as to endanger the rider, the horse or any other person or any property.
   (D)   No person in or adjacent to a park shall abandon any animal.
   (E)   No person shall herd, graze, drive or permit any animal to run at large in a park.
(Prior Code, § 150.06) (Ord. 14-1998, passed 3-16-1998) Penalty, see § 92.99