Any property to which this subchapter applies shall submit a buffer-yard plan to the Planning Commission as part of a site plan review process. The site plan shall contain the following information:
(A) Plans must be at a reasonable scale to indicate all types of proposed landscaping improvements at a minimum of 1" = 20' and shall include the following minimum information:
(1) North arrow and scale.
(2) The name of applicant/owner.
(3) The name, address and phone number of the person or firm responsible for the preparation of the buffering plans.
(4) The dates the plans are submitted or revised.
(5) All existing and proposed buildings and other structures, paved areas, planted areas, utility poles, fire hydrants, light standards, signs, fences and other permanent features to be added and/or retained on the site.
(6) All existing plant material to be removed or retained and all new landscaping materials to be installed.
(7) All existing and proposed streets, sidewalks, curbs and gutters, railroad tracks, drainage ditches and other public or semi-public improvements within and immediately adjacent to the site.
(8) All property lines and easements.
(9) Any other information which is deemed appropriate by the Zoning Commissioner.
(B) Details shall be shown for the planting of the types of trees, shrubs and ground cover within the buffer-yard or landscaped area.
(Ord. 49-2019, passed 6-17-2019)