(A)   Before constructing, or altering any sign, structure or building, including accessory buildings, application shall be made to the Zoning Inspector for a zoning certificate. The applications shall include the following information:
      (1)   A plot plan drawn to scale showing the exact dimensions and area of the lot to be built upon;
      (2)   The location, dimensions, height and bulk of structures to be erected;
      (3)   The intended use;
      (4)   The proposed number of sleeping rooms, dwelling units, occupants, employees and other uses;
      (5)   The yard, open area and parking space dimensions;
      (6)   Conformance with § 153.019(F); and
      (7)   Any other pertinent data as may be necessary to determine and provide for the enforcement of this chapter.
   (B)   Within 30 days after the receipt of application, the Zoning Inspector shall issue a zoning certificate if the application complies with the requirements of this chapter and the application is accompanied by the proper fee as indicated in § 153.439.
   (C)   The zoning certificate shall become void at the expiration of one year after date of issuance unless construction is started. If no construction is started or use changed within one year of date of permit, a new permit is required upon proper application.
   (D)   If the application is for a conditional zoning certificate, the application procedure defined in § 153.366 shall be followed in lieu of the above regulations.
(Ord. 30-1974, § 1001.4, passed 7-15-1974)