(A)   Floor area. For the purposes of this section, FLOOR AREA in offices, merchandising and service types of use shall mean the area used for service to the public and exclude areas used principally for non-public purposes such as storage, incidental repair, processing, show windows, rest rooms and dressing rooms. In measurement for parking spaces, fractions of required floor area over one-half shall require one parking space.
   (B)   Parking space. Off-street accessory parking shall provide parking spaces, each of which shall be not less than 200 square feet in area exclusive of access drives or aisles.
   (C)   Parking area design. Such parking areas shall be of useable shape, improved with bituminous concrete or equivalent surfacing, and so graded and drained as to dispose of all surface water accumulation within the area, in accordance with the requirements of the Village Engineer. All lighting used to illuminate such parking areas shall be so arranged to direct the light away from adjoining premises or streets, and no open light sources such as the stringing of light bulbs shall be permitted. Wheel guards, including bumper guards as may be necessary, shall be provided in connection with any off-street parking area of five cars or more, and shall be constructed so as to confine the stormwater surface drainage to the premises; to contain cars on sloping surfaces; and to prevent bumper overhang.
   (D)   Entrances and exits. Entrances and exits shall be located to minimize traffic congestion and to avoid undue interference with pedestrian access at street intersection corners. There shall not be more than two accessways abutting on any one street. Such accessways shall not be less than 20 feet in width at the sidewalk line nor more than 30 feet in width at the curb cut line of the street. Residential uses may have accessways of not less than eight feet in width.
   (E)   Yard restrictions. Off-street parking facilities shall not occupy any part of any required front or side yard in all residential (“R”) district areas, but where open may be included as part of a required open space for a rear yard. In all business (“B”) districts and industrial (“I”) district areas, open off-street parking facilities may be located in the required front yard provided that at least a ten foot wide landscaped strip is located between the parking area and the street right-of-way line. In all “B” and “I” district areas, open off-street parking facilities may occupy the required rear yard.
   (F)   Locating. The parking spaces required for dwelling units shall be located on the lot and parking spaces required for other uses shall be located on the lot or within 500 feet of the main use, measured along a lines of public access to the property, but shall not be allowed in residential districts except as provided in § 153.333.
   (G)   Joint use/churches. Parking spaces already provided to meet off-street parking requirements for places of public assembly or commercial and industrial establishments, lying within 500 feet of a church measured along lines of public access, that are normally used between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on Sundays, and are made available for other parking, may be used to meet not more than 75% of the off-street parking requirements of a church.
(Ord. 30-1974, § 601.2, passed 7-15-1974)