(A)   Auditorium, stadium, and similar uses. One parking space for each four seats based on a maximum seating capacity;
   (B)   Business or professional offices, banks and studios. One parking space for each 150 square feet, or fraction thereof, of floor space, plus one parking space for each two employees;
   (C)   Churches and school auditoriums. One parking space for each three seats in principal auditorium, based on a maximum seating capacity;
   (D)   Clubs and lodges. One parking space per 150 square feet, or fraction thereof, of floor area, or one parking space for each three seating spaces in the assembly room;
   (E)   Dwelling. Two parking spaces for each dwelling unit plus one additional parking space for each five dwelling units in a multi-family dwellings or developments;
   (F)   Hospitals. One parking space for each bed, plus one parking space for each three employees;
   (G)   Hotels, motels and tourist homes. One parking space for each one sleeping room;
   (H)   Medical and dental offices or clinics. Five parking spaces for each physician or dentist plus one for each two other employees;
   (I)   Restaurants. One parking space for each two seats;
   (J)   Retail stores or personal service shops. One parking space for each 400 square feet, or fraction thereof, of floor area, plus one parking space for each two employees;
   (K)   Indoor theaters. One parking space for each three seats;
   (L)   Lodging houses, boarding houses. One parking space for each three guest rooms;
   (M)   Libraries and museums. One parking space for each 500 square feet, or fraction thereof, of floor area;
   (N)   Automobile repair shop. One parking space for each two employees, plus one parking space for each 500 square feet, or fraction thereof, of floor space;
   (O)   Food locker. One parking space for each two employees plus one parking space for each 500 square feet, or faction thereof, of floor area;
   (P)   Roadside stand. Two parking spaces; and
   (Q)   Car washes.
      (1)   Automatic car wash. Car washes in which vehicles are mechanically moved through a production line shall have and maintain ten off-street parking spaces on the premises for each 20 lineal feet of production line within the confines of the building. In addition, there shall be provided at the exit, at least two and one-half off-street parking spaces per exit lane; said parking spaces shall be available at all times during the operation of the washing facility for vehicular storage of vehicles entering or exiting the washing facility; and
      (2)   Semi-automatic car wash. Car washes in which automatic machinery is used to wash the vehicle, but the vehicle provides the power through the production line shall have and maintain on the premises at least eight paved off-street parking spaces for each stall for the use of vehicles entering the facility. In addition, there shall be at least one and one-half off-street parking spaces per exit lane; and said parking spaces shall be available at all times during the operation of the washing facility for vehicular storage of vehicles entering or exiting the washing facility;
      (3)   Manual car washes. Car washes in which vehicles are manually washed and provide their own power through the stall shall have and maintain on the premises at least five paved off-street parking spaces for each washing stall. In addition, said parking spaces shall be available at all times during the operation of the washing facility for vehicular storage of vehicles entering or exiting the washing facility.
(Ord. 30-1974, § 601.1, passed 7-15-1974)