(A) In the event that a well is abandoned, it shall be the duty of the owner or lessee to notify the Village Administrator of such abandonment before the well has been abandoned and the equipment removed. A well shall be considered abandoned when it is in a condition in which it is incapable of functioning for 30 days.
(B) All permittees shall be required to pull and/or plug a well site on abandonment and remove all aboveground appurtenances and return ground to original grade and condition and follow any other rules or regulations promulgated by any department or division of the state relative to pulling, plugging and abandoning oil or gas wells. This shall be completed within six months.
(C) Landscaping may be preserved at the time of abandonment of the well, if feasible and if desired by the property owner.
(Ord. 30-1974, § 504.29, passed 7-15-1974; Ord. 01-2002, passed 1-4-2002)