It shall be the duty of the permittee to seal gas and oil wells to protect fresh water wells from salt water or other pollution or contamination in such proper manner as is in accordance with good practice. Both the permittee and his or her driller shall establish contingency plans for the immediate furnishing of potable water to affected residents for such period as may be required to reestablish proper potability on any polluted or contaminated well or wells. The permit holder and the driller shall be jointly and severally responsible for the obligation to provide potable water, without cost to the affected parties receiving the same. The drillers’ responsibility shall include covering the cost of drilling new wells or extending village water service including tap-in fee should that be necessary.
(Ord. 30-1974, § 504.23, passed 7-15-1974; Ord. 01-2002, passed 1-4-2002)