When a person desires to establish a mobile home park, he or she may apply to the Village Planning Commission for such purpose by submitting an application together with a plot prepared by and bearing the Seal of Ohio registered engineer or architect, complete in detail, the following:
   (A)   Water and sewer. Any development shall be provided with a water and sanitary sewer distribution system, serving each individual housing unit or lot, which is connected to a public water and sanitary sewage system. The design and construction of such distribution systems shall be approved by the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency. Such utility connections will also conform with approved methods prescribed by village regulations and the review and approval of the appropriate utility superintendent and the Village Administrator.
   (B)   Minimum lot area. The minimum lot area for any single project shall be ten acres; however, the Planning Commission may allow a smaller lot area on a case-by-case basis, following the procedures for a variance. Individual lots within a manufactured home community shall be not less than 4,000 square feet in area. The maximum gross density shall not exceed six dwelling units per acre.
   (C)   Minimum lot width. The minimum lot width for any single project shall be not less than 300 feet. Such frontage shall be provided on a publicly dedicated and improved street. The minimum lot width for any individual lot within a manufactured home community shall be not less than 30 feet.
   (D)   Minimum front yard. The minimum front yard depth for any single project shall be not less than 35 feet.
   (E)   Minimum side yard/rear yard width. The minimum side and rear yard width for any single project shall be not less than 50 feet from any adjacent property line. The minimum internal spacing of individual units shall be as required by the Ohio Department of Health (ODH).
   (F)   Minimum rear yard depth. The minimum rear yard depth for any project shall be not less than 50 feet. The minimum rear yard depth for any individual lot within a manufactured home community shall be not less than ten feet.
   (G)   Required open space and recreational areas. At least 15% of the gross land area for any mobile home community or multiple-family project shall be reserved for common recreational areas and facilities, such as playgrounds, swimming pools, pedestrian paths, and similar facilities. Such recreational and open space facilities shall be subject to approval by the Planning and Zoning Board and shall not be a part of streets and/or parking areas, and shall be closed to motorized traffic, except for service and emergency vehicles. Such areas shall be landscaped, improved and maintained by the owner of the development for the intended uses.
   (H)   Off-street parking. Parking spaces shall be provided for two vehicles for each dwelling unit. Such parking spaces may be located on the same lot, or in specially provided common areas located not more than 600 feet from the dwelling which they serve, or some combination thereof. Required parking spaces shall not be provided on public or private streets within and on the perimeter of the community.
   (I)   Access. All projects shall have direct access to a public street or road. Principal vehicular access points shall be designed to encourage smooth traffic flow. Merging and turnout lanes and/or traffic dividers shall be required where existing or anticipated traffic volumes indicate need. Minor streets shall not be connected with streets outside the district in such a way so as to encourage the use of those streets by substantial amounts of through traffic. No individual lot within the community shall have direct vehicular access to a street bordering the development.
   (J)   Streets and street layout. All streets or drives providing access to the individual lots in a manufactured home community shall be dimensioned and improved in accordance with the current standards and requirements of the village. The proposed layout of such streets shall be approved by the Planning Commission. In making such determination, the Commission may procure the assistance of an engineer or other professional. In such case, all costs associated with such approval shall be paid by the applicant.
   (K)   Storm drainage. All areas shall be graded and drained so as to minimize standing water and surface runoff. A plan for accommodating storm drainage, showing storm drainage runoff collection points and methods proposed for transport of storm runoff to a suitable outlet must be submitted to and approved by the Planning Commission and the Village Administrator.
   (L)   Underground utilities. All utility lines, including electricity, telephone, and cable television shall be located underground. No connection of village utilities will be made unless the electric, power and heating installations are in strict conformity with the provisions of the village regulations, state statutes, the rules and regulations issued by the Industrial Commission of Ohio under the authority of the state statutes, and in conformity with the approved methods of construction for safety to life and property.
   (M)   Landscaping. If side or rear yards are located adjacent to a R-1, R-2, R-3, or R-4 District, landscaping and screening of those yards may be required by the Planning Commission. Such landscaping and/or screening shall consist of walls, fencing, mounding, natural vegetation or a combination of these elements in accordance with village landscaping, screening, and land use buffers regulations.
   (N)   The manufactured home park shall be in compliance with all applicable federal, state and local laws including all health and safety regulations and all local and state agency regulations and licensing requirements.
(Ord. 30-1974, § 406.3, passed 7-15-1974; Ord. 06-2019, passed 1-7-2019)