(A)   Minimum lot area.
Multi-family dwelling
12,000 square feet plus 3,000 square feet for each dwelling unit over 3
Single-family dwelling
7,000 square feet
Two-family dwelling
10,000 square feet
   (B)   Minimum lot width at the building line.
Multi-family dwelling
100 feet
Single-family dwelling
60 feet
Two-family dwelling
85 feet
   (C)   Minimum lot frontage. Forty feet.
   (D)   Minimum useable open space. At least 25% of the actual lot area shall be devoted to useable open space.
   (E)   Maximum lot coverage.
      (1)   Twenty-five percent; and
      (2)   Parking buildings (garages, carports) when having no part of the building used for residence purposes, shall be considered as equal to one-half of its area as part of lot coverage.
(Ord. 30-1974, § 405.3, passed 7-15-1974)